See You In School

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I didn't notice but I fell asleep. I slowly open my eyes. It was night.

'Knock, Knock'

I heard someone at the door. I quickly got up. I opened the door to see the guys. "Jenny!" Kaz shouted excitedly with a pizza box in his hands.

I grinned and let them in. How more can these guys be awesome? They come to my house with PIZZA, what the hell.

I closed the door behind them and turned around to face the guys facing Stephen as he was sound asleep on the couch. My eyes became wide. I totally forgot about him!

"What the hell is--" Jack began to speak and I quickly cut him off.

"Oh uhm..." I said as I walk in front of them. "He was taking care of Carter." I let out a nervous smile.

"Carter?" Logan asked. "Where is he anyways?"

"Upstairs." I said. "CARTER!" I shouted as we see him running down the stairs.

"Yes? Can this wait, I'm trying to beat this game." He looked like he was in a hurry as he kept looking at us then upstairs.

"He was watching you?" Bennet asked him.

"Yeah." Carter then ran back upstairs.

"Told you." I smirked.

"Pft--" Kaz went on but we see Stephen slowly getting up. He start rubbing his eyes.

"Oh... Did I fell asleep?" He asked himself. "I have to get going. My foster parents aren't going to be happy." He quickly got up, ignoring we were all staring at him then left out the door.

"Apparently we are invisible." I rolled my eyes.

"What the hell was his problem?" Kaz asked as he slump down on the couch. "Talking to himself for no reason."

"I don't even know." Bennet sat besides him.


I was walking to school. I gave out a sigh. I look up to see Stephen and Emilia talking.


She had slapped him across the cheek. He looked angry but didn't move. She shook her head in shame and quickly walked away. What was that all about? He then caught me staring.

I quickly walk away trying to cover my face. "Wait, Jen." He quickly ran towards me and pull my arm.

"What?" I asked.

"Uhm I..."

"I don't have all day." I said in annoyance.

"Jen, what I did back then was stupid. I'm sorry." He shrugged. "WATCH OUT!" He quickly pulls me putting his body in front.

The car drove super fast and pushed the water all over his clothes.

"You okay?" I ask as he quickly pulls me back up.

"Yeah." He lifted his arms in disgust. The dirty water soaked his clothes. "Ugh, I need to go home and change." He let out a small smile. I couldn't help but chuckled. "Are you laughing at me?"

"No..." I snickered.

"I just saved your clothes and your..." He started laughing. "Your laughing at me."

"Sorry. Just hurry and change." I smiled. He then started running away.


It was lunch now. I sat down and the guys surrounded me. "Guess what happened in class today." Kaz slumped down. "Friggin Lindsey said she had a crush on me."

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