A Dream I Can't Control

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So a few days later has passed. Everything has been going fine, I think. "Dude I told you not to look at my test." Lucas glared at Logan who nervously smiled.

"I'm sorry, I just needed one of the answers." He explains patting Lucas on the back.

"Yeah and you shouldn't have threw the football." Kaz smacked the back of Bennet's head. Bennet slowly turn towards him and glared.

"I told you already, Jack threw it." He said as they both got up.

"Your lying!" Kaz shouted.

"Am not!" Bennet shouts back.

"I don't care who the hell threw the ball." I said in annoyance as they all stared at me. "We are in detention once again and I need some quiet." I relaxed back in my chair.

"What are you doing in here?" Kaz asked.

"Keeping an eye on you idiots for extra credit points." I explained. "Now let me sleep."


I slowly woke up. I look around the room. They were all gone. "Thanks for waking me up." I rolled my eyes and walk through the halls.

I then walk outside. I then see the guys crowding around several girls. "Guys, why didn't you wake me up?" I asked them.

They all stared at me confusingly.

"Do we know you?" Kaz confusingly asked as he walks up to me.

"Watch out, I heard she's a freak." One of the girls said. I stared at her brow raised.

"Who the hell--"

"Babe," Kaz stopped me from talking as he referred 'babe' to the girl.

"Wait? Babe?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's my girl friend. Do you have a problem?"

"Maybe she's here for the twins." Jack said as he took out one side of his earphones. He stare at me and I stared back.

"Jack what the hell is going on?" I asked him.

"I don't know what your talking about. I'm trying to listen to my music so if you'd leave me alone, that would be great." He gave me a small smile and it dropped instantly as he start listening to his music again.

"What? Jack what--"

"Are you lost or something?" I turn around to see Lucas and some girl as she put her arm around his neck. He actually let a girl touch him? What the hell is going on?

"No, I'm not lost. And who is she?" I asked staring at the girl as she smirks back at me.

"The bitch is just jealous she can't have you." She whisper into his ear but I heard.

I quickly walked up to her but someone pulls me back. "Dude!" I look back to see Stephen. He then glared at the guys. "Keep your dumb cats away from Jen." He glared.


He then quickly drags me away before I could say something. "Why would you approach them?" He angrily stared back at me. He had a cut on his lip and it bothered me for some reason.

"What happened to your lip?" I quickly asked ignoring his question.

"They were messing with you so I decided to..."

"Fight? Stephen tell me what's going on." I asked with a concerned expression. Why the hell is everyone not acting like themselves and when did the Anderson's get girlfriends?

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