Your Little Sister

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I was in class still thinking about it. Kaz's parents separated Jack and his sister Emilia. They both were adopted. I gave out a sigh.

"What's up with you, nerd?" I look up to see Anthony. He looked a bit nervous just talking to me. I got up with a smirk.

"None of your business." I said holding back an eye roll. "And I'm not a nerd."

"Than what are you?" He asked coming closer.

"Back it up." Kaz drags Anthony by the collar. Anthony glared at Kaz as he chuckled. He then walked off in annoyance as Kaz walked up to me with a smile. "Was he annoying you?"

I wonder what would happen if I told them that Anthony likes me... "N-No, everything's cool." I let out a nervous smile.

"Ookaayy..." Kaz said with a confused but happy smile as he sat besides Emilia. I really have to still talk to her about Jack. The door than opens and Jack enters the classroom. Maybe I should talk to Jack about it first.

I got up and started walking towards him. "Jack," I called out. He looks at me shockingly. "I have to talk to you... But after school."


Kaz's P.O.V~ (I didn't want to change the P.O.V, but heres the first change.)

The guys and I waited outside for Jenny. When we were in class she acted weird and this morning she avoided Jack. It was like she liked him or something... Lucas and Logan were standing up but Lucas had a foot on the wall. Bennet was sitting back on a bench with Jack. I was leaning my back against a wall.

I felt my cheeks heat up just thinking about it. I THINK I like her. She can't go and like Jack. I gave out a sigh. "What's up with you?" Bennet asked.

"Nothing!" I quickly responded. I felt anxious, okay. I gave out a sigh in annoyance. "It's nothing."

"Guys, what do you think Jenny has to talk to me about?" Jack asked. He looked a bit excited. This has never ever happened when a girl say they have to talk to him, confessing their love for him. But this time when Jenny said it he looked happy.

"Wait, Jenny asked to talk to you?" Lucas asked with a confused expression as he got closer looking curious as ever.

"Yeah," He smiled.

"Just like in elementary school, when those girls asked to talk to you, they confessed." Logan said thinking about it. "Jenny doesn't like you." He stated. Jack glared at him in annoyance.

"She likes me." I said, half jokingly half seriously. Or I wanted her to like me.

"Yeah, right. She obviously likes me." Bennet smirked. We all chuckled.

"Who likes who?" We all got up and straightened ourselves as we see Jenny walking up to us. Jack was slightly blushing at her presence. I gave out a sigh.

Jenny P.O.V~

"Nothing..." They all avert their eyes to not make eye contacts with me. I snickered at them. I stare at Jack and remembered I have to talk to him.

We started walking home. Their was this awkward silence that someone needed to break because it seemed like we all felt uncomfortable. "What was it that you needed to talk to me about?" Jack asked as we walked behind the rest of the guys. I could tell they were also curious about this because they kept stopping then walking again.

I let out a deep breath as I stare at the ground. "W-well..." I tried getting the words out but just couldn't. Why did I feel so nervous telling him? If he found out will he go with her and leave us? He probably would go to his sister and leave his brothers. I wouldn't want that to happen. I don't want to drop the bomb on him just like that...

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