Kaz's Little Boy

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A few days later. I'm feeling great. The medicine that Stephen gave me worked. I was at school minding my own business when someone sat besides me. The Anderson's were no where to be found. For some reason they didn't come to school. "Jenny!" I heard Darrel and Mark as they stood behind Anthony who sat besides me.

"What do you want?" I asked with an attitude. I haven't seen him around. I'm sure he just wants to do a stupid prank on me.

"Dude. Didn't we get passed the enemy stuff?" Anthony asked placing his hands on the desk as he turn to face me. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Anthony. You've bullied me since school started." I stated in annoyance. "I hold grudges. I'm a girl."

"You women and grudges." He sucked his teeth and shifted his body around.

"Hey Jen." Darrel and Mark smiled as they waved.

"Oh hey guys. Didn't see you there." I let out a small smile and waved back. Anthony face was priceless. He was so shocked and confused. I couldn't help my self but laughed.

"They helped me tease you." He point towards them. Why the hell is he trying so hard to earn my friendship? The real question is why now?

"Because you told them too." I shrugged my shoulders. "They're like soldiers. You tell them what to do and they do it." I explained with a smirk.

"We are not-- okay I agree." Mark went on but gave in as he sat in the desk that was behind me. "You are always right." He shuffles my hair and I quickly grabbed his arm, almost breaking it I might add. "I'm sorry for touching you!" He shouted. I smiled and moved his hand away from me. "Now that I think about it. We've never laid a hand on you. Only called you words."

"Oh like the time you called me a loner?" I asked. He thought about it for a second then nodded his head with a grin. As if it is something to be proud of. "I like being a loner." I shrugged my shoulders. "So jokes on you." I stuck my tongue out.

"Oh really? Jokes on me?" Anthony's brow raised as he let out a small scoff.

"Yes really." I rolled my eyes.

"So where are your friends anyway?" Darrel asked looking around the classroom. "Did they gave up protecting you?" He smirked.

"They were not protecting me." I lightly punched him on the arm. "Honestly, I don't know where they are."


So none of them came to school. That's rare. I'm sure at least one of them has to come to school. I started walking when I saw someone 'familiar'. He was coughing up blood in his hand. I quickly ran towards him.

"Stephen? What happened?" I confusingly asked as he looks up at me. His face was all bruised up once again. "Is that a black eye I'm seeing?!" I panicked.

"Maybe..." He mumbles as he tried to avert his gaze the opposite direction from me. I quickly sat besides him and use my hand to turn his head to face me.

"You got into another fight?" He is always getting into trouble. I wonder what his foster parents thinks of him doing this. Where the hell are they anyways? It's like they don't even care about him.

"So what." He quickly got up placing a hand on his hips. "Jen, why do you care? Just go and leave me alone." He gave out a sigh and started picking on his lip that was already bleeding.

"I was just caring." I glared at him. I got up and stood in front of him. Just staring at his pained face makes me feel like I've been through all of this before. Oh wait... I have. My abusive parents and all, who only cares about money more than their own flesh and blood.

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