Truth and Dare

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[WARNING; Theres a lot of P.O.V changing so please read carefully.]

~ Jennifer P.O.V ~

I woke up with this huge headache. What the hell happened last night? I slowly open my eyes and see the guys sleeping next to me. I look around. I SEE BARS AND POLICE MEN WALKING AROUND.

"WE ARE IN JAIL?!" I confusingly shouted as the rest of the guys woke up. "Dude, what the hell happened?!" I turn to face Lucas.

"I dunno..." he place a hand on his head. "Dammit."

"I have this huge hang-over..." Logan said and then his stomach starts to grumble. "And I'm super hungry..." he groaned as he held onto his stomach.

"Theres Carter." I see Kaz besides Bennet and Jack. "Carter!" He shouted loud enough. Carter was at the other end and he hopped out the chair and walked up to us.

"What the hell happened?" Stephan rubbed his eyes. He then see Anthony hugging onto him. "AHHHHH!" He screamed and kicked Anthony in the... well private.

Anthony woke up holding his private with a painful expression. "Dude! What the fu--" he then see Carter and the police man. He coughed. "What was that for?!" He angrily stared at Stephen.

"You were hugging all over me." Stephan glared at him in disgust.

"Guys shut up." I told them. "Carter tell us what happened."

*Flash Back*

~ Carter P.O.V ~

Since I can't have beer or liquor, I sat on the couch as they played truth and dare on the floor. I was curious so I sat and watched them.

They all looked drunk. They were so wobbly. They couldn't even sit straight. Jenny was besides Stephan who was besides Logan then it was Bennet then it went around to Anthony then Kaz then Jack then Lucas then back to Jenny.

"Ill go first!" Kaz said through a Hiccup. Jenny started laughing at him. The excited drunk.

"THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Shouted Bennet. The loud drunk.

"Hahahaha!" Jenny burst out laughing. The silly drunk.

Jack gave out a sigh. The sad drunk.

"NO I WILL GO FIRST YOU IDIOT!" Anthony shouted. The angry drunk.

"You're the one for me Jenny..." Stephan said as he cups her cheeks. She just giggled and he let go of her. The romantic drunk.

"I want food!" Logan shouted grabbing a slice of pizza. The hungry drunk.

"Your eyes are so beautiful." Lucas smirked at Jenny. The flirt drunk.

I face-palmed and shook my head in shame. The games then started. "Truth or dare Lucas?" Kaz asked with sparkly eyes. He looked super excited.

"Dare." Lucas smirked. He then combed his hair with his hand and stared at Kaz.

"I dare you to do a back flip!" Kaz chuckled.

A back flip! While being drunk. He'll never be able to do it! Lucas got up and balanced himself.

"You go Logan!" Logan said. He must be super drunk because he just called his twin brother himself. I laughed at him. "Wait I'm Logan! YOU GO LUCAS!" He shouted. "Just don't hit the food please."

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