Drunken state

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"Hey Lara, you wanna stay longer tonight at work we're all having a drink or two after work?" Arlene said. I want to but what about Eric? He's supposed to be picking me up here when I finish. "We're closing earlier today so you'll be able to Lara, c'mon it'd be fun." Lafayette said. Well I guess it wouldn't hurt having a couple. "Okay I'm in." "Whoop now that's the spirit Lara, don't worry we won't get you too drunk." Tara said putting her arm over my shoulder winking at me. I laughed these guys are so funny at times. "Yes, you won't because I don't think Lara would like to go home throw up everywhere and be a drunken state all by herself so let's keep to the limit shell we?" Sam said shaking his head smiling.
We all got back to work it seemed like we we're working hard to make time go quicker, it worked though as it was now 5:00pm and closing time.
We all we're gathered round the bar chatting and listening to the music play. Arlene had one too many drinks already as she was dancing and giving me drinks after drinks.
It was getting dark and I was feeling really dizzy and so giggly it felt good to have a bit if fun I was now dancing with Arlene while the others were laughing at us. The sun was gone and the moon was now out, shit I totally forgot about Eric he was suppose to be picking me up how am I going to explain being drunk to him? I thought but that thought only made me have a laughing fit. "Okay Arlene I think that's enough for one night I think I'll take you home now." Terry said walking over to us Arlene was moaning. "I don't want to leave we're having such a good time." I laughed as Terry signed and dragged Arlene away, she waved at me goodbye I waved back. I walked outside so I could get some air I was feeling rather hot and still giggly all I wanted to do was go for a walk but before I could take a step I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned round to come face to face with Eric shit he looks so blurry. "Do you like scaring the shit out of people often?" I asked trying to get my vision straight. "If you weren't so drunk you would of known I've been here a while waiting for you, it looked like you were having fun with your friend I didn't want to interrupt and get a ear full of your other friend Tara." Eric said how kind he is I don't know why Tara hates him so much. "Aww your so sweet sometimes Eric." I said giggling starting to sway back and forwards. "I know I am at least I'm not the one that's drunk." Oh is he seriously going there? "Whatever I was having a good time with my friends is that illegal now?" Stand your ground Lara you are not a child. Eric started laughing. "No it's not all I'm saying is that your were about to walk into the woods by yourself." Oh yeah oops totally forgot about that. "I weren't going to go right in there I just wanted to walk." "Well then if you want to walk maybe we should walk towards Fangtasia like we planned in the first place." "Fine."
We walked to Fangtasia and I soon sobered up as I realized I was now about to walk into a vampire bar full with vampires. Eric must of noticed my change in moods as he put he's arm round my shoulder and pulled me close to him. "Don't worry stick near me and they won't touch you. I own this club anyway so they don't dare to cross me." Eric said I looked up at him feeling somewhat safe. I rested my head on he's shoulder and I gripped hold of he's shirt feeling more safe Eric didn't seem to mind me doing this either which was good. We walked into the bar and the music was blaring and everyone was talking but mostly doing sexual things. I've never seen anything like this, I was holding back laughter. "A lot of vampires like to do this kind of thing it's what we do these days." Eric said chuckling. "Including you.?" I asked just now noticing what I just said. Shit how embarrassing. "You can say that yes." He said smirking. I want to bury my head in a hole and stay there. "Hey Eric where were you? It's not like you to leave your club in the hands of Pam." This guy said standing in front of us. "Matt. I had to do something and pick up little missy here." Eric said tapping my shoulder. The guy that's called Matt looked at me then back at Eric. "Never knew you were that vampire that picked up randoms Eric." "Yeah it's a little more difficult then just picking her up. Anyways we should be going to my office come on Lara." Eric said pulling me along vampires started to stare at us and I could tell Eric was getting annoyed as he's grip on me got tighter. We got into he's office and he shut the door hard. I sat on the nice comfy sofa while Eric sat at he's desk. "Sorry about that they get really noisy I don't often do this." "Do what? Bring a human in your bar?" I asked feeling rather offended. "Exactly. The only humans that come in the bar only wants sex from vampires. I never bring humans in my bar so I get why they're being curious." Well I guess I'm starting to understand more now. I just nodded. I was fiddling with my fingers sitting in silence until someone came in the office. "Eric people are talking about you out there. Explain." "Pam. Long story I'll explain outside." Eric said and gave me a look over then walked towards the lady standing at the door I kept my head down but I could feel she was looking at me too. When I heard the door shut I let out a huff and laid down on the sofa, I looked up at the white ceiling then closed my eyes thinking about going to the beach on a nice summer's day. Thinking about the heat and the lying on the beach made me drift off in a sleep, dreaming about me running on the beach into the water and splashing someone. That someone was Eric... Wait! What?! Eric?! What... The... Fuck?!

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