Chapter 1

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Just a note for all of you who have been following my other story Burning Desire: I have got a few more chapters written but I haven't gotten around to posting them for so long. It will eventually be finished, but in all honesty, I didn't really like that story, so I lost interest in writing it. So, with all that said, I hope you enjoy reading this story instead - it has been such a pleasure to write!

"Mum, I can't find my shoes!"

Connie had been rushing all morning - she had to get in to work earlier today to meet a new nurse, and she had been asked to show him round the department. Obviously it wasn't something she usually did, but this nurse was coming straight in as a Senior Staff Nurse, and so he wouldn't require much of a tour. Also, Connie had been informed that the hospital that he was coming from was a little dilapidated, and so Henrik Hanssen was interested in asking the board if they could take it over and renovate it, and so Connie needed to make a good impression on this nurse. She'd dressed as she always did, but had put a little more effort into her hair as it usually ended up looking a little messy by midday. Only with Connie having to go in earlier, it meant that she had had to organise something for Grace to do at school, as she was going to be in half an hour earlier than the bell. Thankfully, there was a small library in the school that Grace could sit in, and so Connie was just waiting for her daughter to get ready. Grace had just recently come back on a holiday from America where she lived with her dad, but after a meeting brought her dad back to Holby, Grace decided that she'd prefer to stay, and so she had been with Connie ever since. Grace came down about ten minutes later, and Connie was waiting by the door.

"You ready?" Connie asked, reaching her hand out for Grace to hold.

"Mum, I'm 13, I don't need to hold your hand anymore," Grace said, and picked up her school bag. Connie rolled her eyes, and kissed Grace's forehead.

"Don't suppose you want me to walk you to school either?"

"I don't mind that," Grace replied, causing Connie to smile. "It means I get to spend more time with you." Connie smiled at her daughter then they walked out of the door together. Connie ran the risk of being late, but she'd just have to rush back to the ED, as there was no chance she'd lose even more time with her daughter. Connie was trying her best to prove to Grace that she had enough time to look after her, and that her job wouldn't become her priority again, as that was what had driven Grace away in the first place. They were almost at school, and the two of them were walking in companionable silence, until Grace piped up.

"Why do you have to be in to work early anyway?" She asked.

"I've got to show a new nurse around the department," Connie replied.

"But you're the boss, so shouldn't the new nurse work around you?" Connie smiled, as she couldn't really reply, but she realised that she didn't have to when they arrived outside school. Connie said goodbye to Grace, who then stood up on her tiptoes and kissed Connie's cheek. "Good luck showing the new nurse around, mum. You'll be great." That made Connie's heart flutter, and she left the school with a huge smile on her face.

When she arrived at the ED, she realised she was still a little early - she was due to meet the nurse at twenty-past eight, and it was only quarter past, so she headed to the cafe to grab herself a coffee to start the morning. She took it with a smile, and sat down by one of the tables where she could keep an eye on the  clock. The next five minutes seemed to pass so slowly - why was she so nervous? She'd never had trouble in impressing anyone before regarding her work, and she'd spoken to thousands of people. The fact that she'd been asked to take one nurse around the department shouldn't worry her. She opened her handbag and took out the nurse's file to have a look over. There wasn't a picture for security reasons, and all the personal details had been covered too, apart from his name and gender. Jacob Masters, Male. She looked over his qualifications, and he was certainly qualified for the job. It looked like he had had a good medicine teacher, as he had come back with marks in the top band for all of his medicinal studies, while the others were all sat in the middle band, but at the top of it. She was impressed, certainly, and she had good reason to be, but she didn't know why she was nervous. She thought about who she might expect - a tall man, possibly with mousey brown hair. She expected him to be rebellious, and young. She wasn't expecting anyone over thirty-five. It seemed that she didn't have long to wait though, as she soon saw Henrik Hanssen coming around the corner. Henrik spotted Connie, and she stood up, smoothing down her trousers, and telling herself that she had nothing to worry about - it was bound to be fine. Henrik came over, and greeted Connie with a smile (which was unusual), then waited for her to grab her bag before he started talking to her.

"Nice to see you, Mrs Beauchamp," he said as they began to walk off together.

"Afraid I can't return the compliment," she smirked. He knew she was only joking with him, as they weren't exactly best friends, but they could certainly put up with one another. "Where's Staff Nurse Masters?" She asked, looking around.

"Senior Staff Nurse," Henrik reminded her. "He had to take a phone call, and promised he'd meet us at reception." Connie nodded, and the pair of them made their way to reception slowly, and waited a little while when they got there. Connie kept looking around anxiously for any sign of a man in a new nurse's uniform that she didn't recognise.
"Connie I've never seen you so on edge before," Henrik laughed, and she treated him to one of her infamous death glares. "It's nothing to be nervous about, just make a good impression." Connie was just about to snap back with another witty retort, but she heard someone speaking to Henrik behind her, causing her to turn around instantly and her anxiety to multiply.

"Sorry I kept you waiting. Old manager wanting to know some final details before he let me go. Is this the famous Mrs Beauchamp, then?" He asked as Connie turned. As the pair of them saw each other, it was clear to see that both of their moods shifted, but Henrik didn't seem to pick up on it. She recognised him immediately, of course she did. It had been so long, but he still looked the same as he did back then, just his boyish features had grown up a little and his face was more defined. He looked bigger than she remembered - musclier - but he always had had large muscles. She knew that there had been a reason for her to be nervous - Jacob Masters, how could she not have recognised his name? He looked at her, completely bewildered, yet blessed that they'd been brought back together after so many years.

"Hello," he smiled, presenting his hand for her to shake.

"Nice to meet you," she replied, staring at him intently and taking his hand, knowing full well that neither of them had forgotten just exactly how they'd met before.

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