Chapter 8

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Sorry about the long wait - this is a longer chapter for you to make up for it. This is set back in the ED, 20 years on from when Connie was Jacob's tutor.

"So, Mrs Beauchamp, you will take Senior Staff Nurse Masters around the department, and then am I to presume that we'll meet back in your office when you've finished?" Henrik asked, and Connie just nodded, her eyes fixated on Jacob. She hadn't seen him for twenty years, and he looked so different, yet so similar.

"Please just call me Jacob," he said, never allowing his eyes to break away from Connie's. "Mr and Mrs reminds me of my school days," he joked, and Henrik laughed along as he was doing everything in his power to impress new nurse Jacob, as he still had very high hopes of being able to take over the other hospital. Connie blushed as he mentioned school - which was clearly his intention - and soon she forced her gaze away and made a swift start on their tour.

After walking round a little while in an awkward silence, Connie began to explain about the history of the ED, since this is what she would do to anyone else coming in. She had to try her best to be professional, but not rude, and it wasn't proving to be an easy task.

"This department has been here for many years, Staff Nurse Masters, and despite recent renovations, the appearance and structure hasn't changed all that much since it was first built, except from the additions to cater for newfound technology of course," she explained.

"I know something else's appearance that hasn't changed all that much either," he added, causing her to look up at him fiercely. "Mrs Beauchamp, eh? Thought you weren't the type to get married? Besides, Miss Chase suited you better."

"Seems I'm not the type to get married," she answered coolly, choosing to ignore his last comment even though it sparked a surge of heat in her abdomen. "We broke up over a decade ago." Connie had no idea why she was telling him this - he was probably married himself, with children probably, and yet Connie was still feeling an undeniable attraction to him after all these years. She shook her head, trying to get thoughts of her early adulthood out of her mind, and continued round the department. Thankfully, Connie bumped into Robyn, who she knew would be more than keen to talk to any new face, especially one as handsome as Jacob, and so Connie called her over.  

"Staff Nurse Miller, this is Senior Staff Nurse Masters. He's going to start working with you in the upcoming weeks." Connie was more than happy to step back, and Robyn greeted Jacob in a friendly way, and the pair started chatting about their paths into becoming nurses, and then Robyn mentioned Medical School and Connie had to pull Jacob away quickly, before he said anything.

"What's the problem, Miss Chase?" He asked once they were out of earshot.

"Staff Nurse Masters, I'd greatly appreciate it if you were to call me by my real name - Mrs Beauchamp - and please allow me to get on with this tour. Our history is just that, Jacob, history." She hadn't meant to snap, but he took it lightly anyway, smiling to himself and just commenting on how she was still as bossy as he remembered. She couldn't even bring herself to look at his arms - she'd loved his muscles before but now, he was much larger and even more sexier. She couldn't quite believe it.

"So what's next on the tour?"

"Radiology," she huffed, continuing round the department and up to radiology. Their tour wasn't too long, and Connie had softened by the end, allowing him to flirt with her a little as she couldn't find it in her heart to stop him. He'd had such a big effect on her life, and she had never forgotten how much he'd made her happy. When they got back to Connie's office, Henrik was sat waiting, and Connie took her place behind her desk.

"So Connie, you've had a look over Nurse Masters' C.V - what impresses you the most?" Henrik asked, once they had all been seated. There was only really one thing that Connie could say, and she blushed as she thought about it, knowing what he was going to say in response.

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