Chapter 13

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Sorry for being so inactive with this! I'm writing another non-Jonnie story (called Teach Me A Lesson - it's on my Wattpad if you're interested) but that's no excuse. Enjoy this!

Miss Chase had just set her class off to complete a worksheet before break, which related to the practical experiment that they had just done. Connie was finding teaching Jacob a little difficult, as she always had the urge to kiss that awkward smirk off his face and obviously she couldn't when he was surrounded by his peers. She stole glances at him occasionally, and the pair of them stood a tad too close quite regularly, but stepped away if anyone were to look over in their direction. Connie could deal with practical lessons - she would walk around the entire class, and ensure that she spoke to every student, so that it didn't look like she was singling Jacob out, and she'd try to keep a professional tone to her voice whilst their eyes would meet, and they'd just know exactly what the other wanted to do. Today, Connie had set up a suturing class, so they were practicing on small suturing pads that she'd ordered from online. She'd given the students a small demonstration at the front of the class, and had then set them off on their own. She'd helped some students with the technique, and used her hands to help guide some people, which had not gone unnoticed by Jacob, who forced himself to quiver a little when she came over, so that she had no choice but to steady his hands with her own.

"Miss, how do you do it again?" He asked, and she stood behind him, taking his hands in hers. She pressed up against his back, and her mouth was a little too close to his ear, and she had to try her best to fight the urge to nibble it.

"Just in, and out," she whispered sensually in his ear, sending an electrical signal straight to his groin. "Though I believe you know exactly what you're doing in that department."

"Just like that?" He asked, his hands actually shaking now as he was trying to control his arousal. He inserted the needle about 2mm from the edge of the wound in the pad, and passed it through so that it was identical on the other side.

"Hold on," Connie said professionally, actually spotting an error in his technique. "Hold the equipment with your thumb and fourth finger. Your index finger should be resting on it for support," she added, moving his fingers around accordingly, so that he was holding the equipment properly.
    "Firm fingers," she whispered as she squeezed his hand lightly, and he just smiled.

"Don't you know it," he replied, and she giggled a little, unable to resist the urge any longer to nibble on his ear lobe. She heard him sharply breathe in, and as she strutted away from him, she turned around and winked playfully. He watched her arse as she moved onto the next student, and nobody had any idea of what had just passed between him and the teacher. He felt his erection pushing slightly up against the material of his trousers, but he couldn't do anything about it.

Jacob was one of the first to finish the worksheet, as he picked up everything quite quickly, and so he was able to concentrate on the slight throbbing in between his legs. As he was willing it to disappear, rubbing his hand gently across his length, Miss Chase appeared next to him, and placed her hand on his shoulder, startling him.

"Can I see?" She asked, and for a second, Jacob thought she was talking about what he was doing under the table. When he realised that she was talking about the sheet, he nodded, passing her the sheet and watching as she read over it. The rest of the class were still working, and Connie had arranged the seating plan in the room so that Jacob was in the back corner, so that nobody could see their affectionate actions if they were to just glance up.
    "I know what you're doing," she whispered almost inaudibly, causing Jacob to look up and meet her eyes. She winked, reaching down and placing her hand on top of his, and that single action made him instantly completely hard.

Déjà Vu - A Connie/Jacob FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now