Six years later...
Ryder's P.O.V.
I sat in the corner of the coffee shop, staring at the picture of us. All the memories were coming back to me, one after another. First it was everything and anything that reminded me of her, but lately even the little things have been tearing me apart. Carina was my best friend, and I lost her.
"Ryder," a short hostess spoke into a mic, which echoed through out the small shop. I went to grab my coffee, shuffling back and forth.
Glancing out the window, I watched the rain come in buckets down onto the street, and rivers rolling in the nooks and crannies of the sidewalk, splashing into the rain gutters.
I had to get back in touch with her, I had to find out what she was doing with her life.
It was risky, but I would do anything for Carina. That's where I was at at this point. After dropping out my senior year of high school, I traveled the world. Nothing special, nothing that could help me. I had left her. She was my everything, and I went off without her. The beauty and grace that wraps a girl around a man's mind like mine was is maddening. She was the only beauty and all the grace dug into the crevasses of my mind.
"We can't do this much longer." Harry said quietly, looking up from his laptop. "You know that I still have to pay for Jennifer and all this travelling is taking more than we have..."
I tuned him out. Money had never really been my issue, it was the people behind the money. Travelling around the world singing for a living had its ups and downs, especially with my band mates that didn't help with the bills.
Abby's P.O.V.
I fell onto the bed with a two bowls of Cookies and Cream ice cream, swirling the around the top, rolling into globs on the sides. Handing the pink bowl to Carina, I said "Pink for the pansy."
"Only you would say that..." Carina replied, setting her ice cream down for the remote.
"What do we want to watch tonight?" she said, eyes focused on the screen, scrolling through the options.
"Oh my god, oh my god, Carina we have to watch our show right now. Go go go!" I screamed jumping up onto the bed, tackling Carina to the floor.
Wrestling for the remote, she came out victorious as she pulled her hair in a sloppy bun and sat back on the bed.
"Damn Carina!" I yelled, and she laughed her evil laugh.
"You know what were gonna watch now right?" she stated a little too enthusiastically.
I groaned as she started the movie.
About an hour into the movie Carina suddenly got up, rushing to the bathroom. I paused the movie, pulling myself out of my bed, following her. She sat on the floor when I entered the bathroom, puking her guts out.
Without a second though I grabbed her hair pulling a few stray hairs back by her bun.
My feet padded across our apartment as I sat down in bed.
Then a phone rang. It was Carina's.
Patch Our Hearts
Teen Fiction"How long?" I asked, I just had to know. "How long what?" "Have you loved me?" "Ever since I found out I was losing you."