Chapter 18: red rage

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Chapter 18

"I'm going to kill him!" I growled. "I need a copy of this tape. Gage call the guards and search for the license plate number on the car.

Ari I want you to search the village for the man. And Jordan find the guy that was talking to them in the bar." I ordered.

"Yes sir!" They ran off. Rage filled our sight and murder in our minds. Ken and I copied the tape and raced back home.

"Scar pulled up the face match program." I said. Scar nodded and got on the computer and got on the face match.

"I need a picture." Scar said. "Here's one." Jordan said coming in with a picture of a sandy blonde hair guy. Scar scanned the photo and searched the world for the guy.

"Lucas Fox. 19 years old, works at bills black smith and lives at angel wood 7229."

"Prince...I heard you need rest. I know you want to find her but you must rest." Amber said coming in. "Find a match to this.

Tell me in the morning." I told scar. He nodded and patted my back with a hand. "We'll find her. You all should go to bed.

" Scar said. Ken, Jordan, and I walked out of the room. "Boys come home tomorrow we'll search." I said on the phone with ari and gage.

"Ok I'll be back in 5." Ari said and hung up. "Same here." Gage said. "Tomorrow we will find them." Ken said and wandered into his room.

"I hope so." I said and went into mine. I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I know I won't be able to sleep. Not without Andy.


"Did you even sleep?" Scar said from the door. "No." I said and got up. "Well your going to want to see this." Scar said and left my room.

I quickly ran after him and went into the guard room. He already had to face match up. The kidnappers face was matched.

"Chris cattail. 20 years old, has no work, live with Austin cattail. "Let's go." I said. Rage filled my sight. i only saw red.

"Dear god I've never seen him this mad. There's practically steam coming out of his ears" scar said then regained seriousness.

We went to the stables and suited up our horses. "You know where we're going right?" Ari asked as he got onto his gray speckled horse. I jumped onto mine.

"Yes." I said. Scar handed me a sword belt with my sword. "Remember don't kill him we need to find Andy before that." Scar said and got onto his painted horse that's dark brown and white. "Let's go."

Andy's POV

I looked out the window. It's raining and my hearts broken. "What fun." I said as judas walked up to me. I heard the door open and someone walk in. "Why is he out!?" Derrick asked and grabbed his dagger from his boot. "Calm your tits dude what are you scared of him?" I asked as judas growled at Derrick. "No it's just.. Nevermind I'll be back later." He said and walked out. I petted judas and diablo came out from under the bed. "I getting out of here soon and your coming with me." I said into their ears softly. They both smiled and jumped around. I can't think of a plan. "I guess if I'm talking and he can't hear me and I'm not thinking he won't hear me." I said softly. "If you can hear me Derrick then you can have your way with me." I said softly like before. I sat there and waited. Nothing not even a noise. "Perfect." I whispered.

I planned it all out with out thinking I talked to judas and diablo and decided to name diablo something else since it's a girl. "Angel." I offered the name for her. She smiled and jumped around shaking her blood red and black tail. "Angel it is." I said. I got up and pack a green back pack with only food and a kitchen knife. I looked at the wet window. Rain dripped and splattered onto the glass. "It's dusk. We should get moving." I said softly. I hid the bag under my shirt in the back and slid down the stairs. No sign of Derrick. I moved to another wall then I heard footsteps. My heart beat went a little faster. The sound of the footsteps grew closer and closer. I saw the tips of boots. They turned and went the other way. I looked for the closet exit. I heard judas and angel come down the stairs. "Andy where are you?" Derrick yelled waiting for an answer. Can I take the dogs for a walk? I thought as I walked to the front for with the dogs. "Sure. Be back before the streetlights are on."

I opened the door and headed out into the rainy outdoors with the dogs. I looked around for the closest woods or way home. I ran to a train station I think. The dogs were by my side protecting me from everybody who got close. "Which train is going to Wolfs country?" I asked a worker. "They all left today. But if you go through those woods right there it's a two day travel." The vampire women said. "Good luck." She said and walked off. "Let's go." I said. I tightened my combat boots as the rain stopped. Judas and angel shook their pelts free from water. We walked into the woods and counties till dark. "Let's find somewhere to sleep pups." I said and let them find somewhere. I heard a howl from a strange animal. I turned to see yellow eyes staring at me. Judas and angel were scouting for a place to sleep so I was alone staring at this large beast.


I'm sorry it's short

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