Chapter 40: wait what?

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Chapter 40


"How did that happen?!" Ken said a but excitedly. "A unicorn used touched his horn on her head and said you now pregnant. HOW DO YOU THINK!!!" He said with a smile. "You better marry her bro." I said trying to make a manly voice. "I will." He said and his voice crackled a bit. "Good for you then." Kira said with sorta a jealous tone. "Kira we should find you a man." I said to her and put my hand on her shoulder. "Ha. What crazy cat would like me..." She said trailing off. "Come on Kira you should." Ken said pushing his sister toward ari. "You should take her to savannah range. Some kajits live there with the big cats. It would be good for her." Ken said crossing his arms with a smirk. "I'll go if you go." She said pushing him back. Ari nodded to taking them. "Fine after the battle lil sis." He said and grabbed her tail making her fall. She kicked the backs of his knees and made him fall too. "Not fair!" He said scrambling up. She got up to and smiled.

I wish I was this close with my brothers too. I smiled at the thought of it. Daryl came into the tent and dragged ari out. "Whyyyyyyyy?" He whined. "Cause it's important. You three should come too." Daryl said dropping ari and walking out. His face expression was very serious unlike his usual self. Ken and Kira took a second to actually respond but I followed him. With them behind me I stayed with Daryl. "What's going on?" I asked him and noticed the larger grey clouds above. "Felix is calling a meeting." He said with a low tone. "Ok." Daryl stopped and turned on me. "He invited other packs." He said as if that was a bad thing. "It's very back. Two of them hate us and another killed one of our elders in our pack house." He said as his eyes got a bit clouded in thought and mermories. I touched his hand but he twitched away. "Come." He said and walked off. I slowly followed and saw the huge crowd of people. "Sorry miss cattail." A few solders said as I passed them. "No need to be." I said as I walked along the rows of people.

In the center was five groups of people and some wolves. "Is that her?" Someone demanded as they saw me. "Yes I think it is!" Some girl said to her pack mate. "Leave her out of this. We are here to discuss-" someone cut off Felix. "It's a stupid plan. Do you really think four alphas will step down?" A brown wolf growled. His brown eyes burned with hatred. "That's not the point! This plan is to units us and make us stronger and increase all of our territories ranges." Felix said and a girl with a swirling black tattoo on her right arm to her neck moved next to him. "I agree with him." She said smiling at him like he was a god. I looked at Daryl who just stood there with his arms crossed and anger in his eyes. "I do like the idea but who will be the alpha?" A large man with with left leg in a lighting pattern tattoo. "We do what we have always done. Challenge each other." They nodded but one wolf jumped onto a boulder and looked down on Felix. "There is five of us. So two vs two then the winner goes against you then?" The wolf growled. His muzzle graying and scared. "Yes." Felix said firmly. A gray and white wolf walked up to him. Her paws were black like the tattoo. "When shall we start." She growled. "Tonight two will go."

"I'll go." The large man said. "Me too." A young teen said his tattoo didn't show. "You should go against a girl little guy." The large man taunted. "Bruce save it!" A white wolf with gray stripes snapped. "Then it's settled." Felix said and looked at me. "This meeting is over." He declared. The pack walked off into the forest after turning into wolves. Felix turned to face Daryl but a fist collided with his face. "What the hell?!?" Daryl yelled at him. "What?!?" Felix growled looking up at him. "Your so stupid! You really think they will just follow your little plan! Are you really willing to share a roof with the man who killed our grandma! Or the ones who tried to kill dad and mom?!" What happened to their parents again? I forgot or they never told me.... "They are dead anyways!" Felix growled at him. Daryl didn't move he just looked at his brother. The pain in their eyes made their pack look at the ground with shame. "They died protecting me and it's my fault!" Daryl said. Felix just stared at his brother. His face relaxed and he hugged him tightly. "It's not your fault....." He mumbled to him.

After that little scene that happened I saw amber and gage come out of a tent and amber go into kens. I almost followed but prince dragged me into our tent. "I heard some people talking about someone being pregnant here. Do you know if it's true?" He asked with a serious face and was gripping my shoulder a bit tight. I looked into his gaze and saw no emotion.** Actually he looked worried as if it was a bad thing. I looked down and closed my eyes shut. "Yes." I looked up stared at him. I put a hand on my stomach and tried to smile. I felt his hands jump off me and him start breathing fast. "This is terrible! You can't be!" He yelled and ran his fingers through his hair.** "Andy?" I heard him say. I just zoned out. "Did you hear what I said?" I shook my head just to hear it again. "I heard people talking about someone being a spy. Are you ok is what I said." He said with a tilt of his head his hair was fixed. "Oh um I don't know. Who do you think it could be?" I asked still a bit worried. "Honestly...." He moved his lips right next to my ear which sent chills down my arms and spine. "Robin."

"She might be." I said as my worried feeling drifted away. He nodded and lied down on the bed and pulled me down with him. He wrapped his arms around my waist but moved them to my stomach. I felt worried again. I gently put my hands under his and held his hands and pulled them to our sides. "The next battle-" he started. "I'm staying behind. I want to learn how to bandage up wounds." I blurted out. I felt him be surprised. "Ok then." I heard his surpisement still in his voice. I guess I would like to learn how to... But at that moment when he asked me I knew that I can't fight while pregnant. I didn't want to sat it but it's true. That's one problem out of the way. Now Felix. Nothing is ever going to happen between us. I love Ryder and would give anything for him and I just don't see me and Felix working nor even dating. I felt princes grip loosen as he drifted into sleep. Lucky him, now for the war I'll be a battle field healer I guess. Just like I saw a guy get shot in the arm boom heal it with bandages and duck tape. Yeah. I'm going to do terrible.


Hey guys.... Sorry I haven't updated lately..... I've had a lot happen lately and barely any time to publish I'm sorry.... 12k damn this isn't even a good story..... So sorry and I'll try to think of something

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