Chapter 10

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His face was stunned, but as if it was mock horror.

"Uhm, why?" he asked puzzled.

"Because...uhhh," I didn't know what to say. After his spoken display of affection, I wasn't sure I could think straight with him sitting there.

"What?" he repeated.

I sighed, and decided to keep it real, and not hide any of my feelings from him.

" Did you just say you loved me?"

Justin stood up and walked around the bed and sat down right next to me, on the edge.

"Of course, I do."

I sat in silence, taking his words in. I felt like he had just slapped me. Just last night he refused to have sex with me because he wanted to get to know me better. And, now he loves me? I was confused and pretty soon the silence got to me, my head started spinning and I couldn't help but feel special. My mied emotions were getting to me.

Finally, Justin broke the silence, " I love you, I do. Your the only girl, out of ALL of the girls I've met that can make me feel how you do! When I sing those songs, how we were the other day, I think of you. Only you. None of those other girls that chase me down the hallways and follow me into the bathroom at school."

I giggled, "Girls follow you in the bathroom at school?"

He smiled, "Yes. But don't act all innocent over there! The second you realized who I was you couldn't help but drool!"

I gasped, "SO not true!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back on topic." His serious mask replaced the beautiful smiling face, "I love you, Brycen. I know, you must e thinking I'm crazy. I mean, just last night I wouldn't have sex with you because I thought I should know you a little better. But, guess what? Forget what you may have been thinking about doing today because, we're going on a date."

"A date!?" I was out of breath and grinning like a fat kid in a candy store.

He winked, "A date."

"Well, Mr.Bieber where might we go on this so called, date?"

"Well, I was thinking somewhere classy, different. Somewhere, you wouldn't normally go..."

"Hmm," I pondered, " Your a superstar, you can go anywhere you want, so I haven't been to alot of places you usually go to."

He leaned over me, "Then,I guess your in for a nice surprise."


I was blind folded. Perfect.

Justin held my hand in his, tightly. We were on rough terrain, the whereabouts unkown by me, because he was taking me somewhere secret, apparently. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"What?" Justin's voice rang through my ears like an echo.

I smiled, " Just kind of wondering why I'm still blind folded..."

"Well," he began, "I don't want you to know where we are just yet."

I frowned, "But, why?" I was whining.

"Oh, stop your whining ya big baby!"

"I am NOT a baby!"

Right as I finished my sentence Justin's laughter was followed by our feet stopping on level ground.

"Oh yay. Flat ground." I smiled.

Just then, Justin let go of my hand. I could sense him walking,  I just wasn't sure where to. Then, after a few more seconds, my blind fold fell to the ground. I gasped when the light shined onto my eyes. I felt like a vampire. Grr, my eyes were burning. I felt like I was about to burst into flames any second now.

My eyes soon began watering. It didn't matter though, I couldn't see anything anyways, my eyes were fixated shut. It was way brighter than when we left the house. I wonder how long we'd been walking.

I started rubbing my eyes, to get the watering to go away.

"Oh my gosh! Why are you crying?" He grunted, "You don't like it do you?"

What was he talking about? Confused, I walked towards the shadowy, blurry figure I assumed was Justin and wiped my eyes on his shirt.

After my eyes were clear of the blurriness, I looked away from Justin, and realized what he had meant.

To the right of us, was a small open field, grassy and filled with wild flowers. Right in the center of the field was a blanket big enough for two people, and the picnik basket sitting in the center of the blanket.

The surrounding trees were quiet and peaceful. Not a single sound disturbed the beautiful forest. Even the sun, was streaming perfectly through the clouds overhead.

I glanced over at Justin only to see him with an elegant smile playing at his lips. He reached his hand out, once again, and I took it. We walked towards the blanket in the middle of the extravagant field. He sat down and pulled me down next to him. I smiled, and I couldn't stop. This was absolutley perfect.----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Justin and I had a perfect time. Though, even I knew that it wouldn't last forever. The last time I opened my heart to a boy who totally made me belive that I  was his everything and that he loved me, squashed my heart. He never even looked back. Though, eventually, we became the best of friends again. I still can't help the feeling that Justin sn't going to my prince charming. I'm just so used to the hurt. And then of course, there's Corey. He's what I thought I wanted, in retrospect. Then, he turned out to be a total jerk. He never really hurt me. He just kind of stepped on my toes. The real hurt came before him. He was who I loved. And, I still do. But, he's just not for me... His girlfriend is pregnant. They are saying that the baby isn't his. Because she cheated on him.

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