Chapter 12

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I opened my eyes to see a bright flash of light in my eyes. My breathing soon became shaky. Thinking it was the sun, I sat up and began to stand. Before I knew what or who had pulled me back down, I was sitting back on the bed. I stopped for a second and blinked a few times before opening my eyes wide. I caught my breath and started breathing normally. Then, as if magic the bright light went away.

"Brycen?" An unfamiliar voice asked, "Are you alright? You took quite a fall."

"Mhm," I responded. It seemed that was all I could manage at the moment.

The voice laughed, it was a man. " I believe you need to stay in bed the next few days. You took a nasty blow to the back of your head. Nothing major, no stitches. Just a big bump." He laughed again.

Who was this man? Where was I? I could see, but only vaguely. The bright light was gone but, it was as if there was some sort of a gel on my eyes, I couldn't see anything but blurriness and colors. Ugh, I wanted to get out of this bed and walk around. My legs were stiff and felt as if I hadn't moved in weeks.

I tried my best at coughing then tried to speak, but it only came out with a few slurred words. Unidentifiable. Great. Just fabulous. That dumb skank has fucked up my jaw. Oh god, I hope I broke her nose. I smiled at the thought, and a sharp pain ran through my chin. I stopped and rubbed my jaw line. This wasn't going to be good news. She probably broke my jaw. I'll bet they have to feed me through a tube! I started to freak out and began mumbling, only I could tell the man didn't understand what I was saying. Eventually, I gave up and fell asleep in defeat.

When I awoke again, I could see. I was in my bedroom. There were flowers on my bedside table. I smiled, they were probably from Justin. I picked them up and started to read the name.

I'm Sorry, for everything...-Abel

As soon as I read it, I threw them. They went across the rom and hit my bedroom door. I didn't want those flowers. I didn't want anything from him. He made me sick. Even though my stupid self loved him...

I crossed my arms and sat there like a three year old. After a few minutes, my door opened. I suddenly got all excited, expecting it to be Justin. But, when Abel's head peeked around the corner, I started throwing stuff. Anything I could get my hands on, I threw. Then, when my hands reached my cell phone, I quit throwing things and began texting. I went straight to Justins number.

Please get here, and QUICK! Please! Abel is here! Hurry! xoxox -Brycen

I sent the message and smiled. Justin would take care of my little unwanted visitor. My smile faded to a pissed off frown when I looked over and Abel was standing there.

"Are you going to keep throwing things at me?" He asked with a sweet smile.

God, I really missed that smile. Almost as much as I'd missed that goofy smile he'd always done, or the way he closed his eyes and stuck his tongue out at me when we were goofing around. Faces that made me remember. Even though I'd tried so hard to forget those memories. They were like pictures, and videos replaying in a slideshow in my brain. I hated it but, loved it all at the same time.

I scoffed, "Maybe, it depends in which way you decide to piss me off. Pissed off sad, or pissed off mad?"

He frowned, "I said I was sorry Brycen, what more do you want?"

His voice sounded pained and saddened. I wasn't even in the slightest, caring.

"Oh, like Meredith said sorry and everything was better between you two? Sorry, I'm not her, or YOU!" I looked down, "Abel, sorry dosen't always fix everything. You should understand that, especially after six months."

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