Chapter 2

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As I pulled into my regular spot in the school parking lot I stared at the very large, black Range Rover parked into the spot next to mine. My spot was in the very back, who would want the spot in the very back of a parking lot? That's why I wanted mine there. Because no one else did. Hmm, I thought, maybe this person felt the same. Obviously it was a new kid. A rich new kid. I laughed to myself.

I washed these thoughts from my mind as I began walking towards the school. I walked in and went straight to the main office, knowning the drill. All of the new kids were rich and stuck up so, normally, I would show them around and then they would be sucked into the populars and once again I was left to Alex, Keifer,  and Abel. Not that, that is a bad thing, they're my best friends. Alex is my girl best friend and Abel my guy. I've known Keifer forever though. I can talk to all three about anything and they never let me down.

I walked right past the front desk to my principals office.

I was about to knock when I heard Mr. Archer laugh then say, "Can I have your autograph?"

I laughed then, knocked. "Come in," Archer said.

I opened the door to see the new kid bent over the desk signing something. Psh, I thought, Archer is such a freak!

Before I could introduce myself Mr.Archer quickly spoke up, "Brycen, this is Justin. He's our new student.  The boy stood up straight then, turned around. I held in my gasp I wanted so badly to let escape from my lips. The second I saw him my metaphorical heart melted to the floor. I smiled at him.

"Aren't you gonna say hi?" he asked.

"Hi," I replied.

He winked and I smiled.

"Your Justin...Bieber. Right?"

"Yeah," he laughed.

"Yeah, hey, I think I've heard of you. You sing that song the continuesly play on the radio right? Baby? I'm not too familiar with your work though."

He and Mr. Archer simaltaneously chuckled.

"I see..." Justin said, pointing at my shirt.

I looked down then, blushed. I forgot which shirt I had worn today... Ugh. I'm such a loser, I thought to myself.

Justin picked his brown, over the shoulder, bag up and walked towards me, "Shall we?"

"Let's.." I squeaked.

I closed the door behind us and we walked into the main concorse.

"Let me see your schedule," I piped up.

He handed me his schedule and pulled his hand through his freshly cut, luscious, brown hair. I looked down at the paper he had handed me. It had to be wrong. There was no way this was right.

"Hey, uhm..." I stammered.

"Oh, yeah that. They put us in all the same classes."

I was already having trouble keeping my cool so, us having the same classes would be wreckless.

"Most of my classes are AP though." I announced. He looked  me straight in the eyes.

"That hurts."

"What does?" I was confused.

"That you think that just because I'm a big star I can't be smart too." He frowned. Then, reached in his bag and pulled out a pair of glasses. They looked like 3D glasses with the eyes punched out. They were purple. I laughed when he put them on.

"Now do I look nerdy enough to take AP classes?" he asked, giving his best puppy dog face.

"Eh, we'll work on it," I giggled.

He laughed. We started walking towards second mod. We ended up walking in right as the bell rang. I pulled Justin by his shirt into the classroom. I wasn't gonna let him be trampled on his first day. Students at this school didn't care who was in the way, you would be squished. He ended up so close that our cheeks were touching. I felt his cheek move into a smile. I blushed, taking a step back. I introduced him to the History teacher then, we made our way to our third mod. After a minute I realized that no one had noticed him yet. When I say 'no one' I mean the girls. I figured they would have a drool fest. Finally, I looked over at Justin. Apparently, he had been talking to me the whole time. I made eye contact with him then, I was lost again.

"Brycen!" he poked my cheek.

I was still floating in his eyes.

"Brycen!! Answer me before I have to take durastic measures!"

Before I could snap out of my reverie Justin was hugging me, his hands placed gently on my butt. I instantly snapped out of it. I blushed and pushed him back.

He smiled, "You ok now?"

"Yeah, I'm good." I blushed...again. I would have to make a mental note to remind myself not to blush as much.

Then, he winked, "You sooo liked that."

My mouth fell open into a perfect  "O".

"It's ok," he smiled, "I won't make you admit it." 

By the time we reached our third mod english class, my face was as red as a brick.


By the time lunch rolled around I figured Justin would have been tagging around the populars. Or rather leading them.  While I was sitting  at the lunch table with Alex, Abel and Keifer, Cory and Holly walked up. Cory pulled a chair out from under the table and sat down, Holly followed. What a clone.

"We're sitting here today, whether you like it or not," Cory stated.

"Whatever, we don't care, just don't talk to us." I spat.

I looked up from my salad past Holly, only to see Justin, talking to Michael, a popular. He was probably recruiting him to be in his "cool" posse. I looked back down. This was nothing new.  When I looked back up Justin was walking towards the table. I gasped.

"What?" Alex,Keifer, and Abel chorused together. They looked at each other did a three way high five. When they steered their eyes to where mine were located they too, gasped. What was he doing?

Cory touched my arm, "You ok babe? What wrong?"

I pulled my arm away from his touch, "I'm NOT your babe!" I snapped back. I turned back tomy salad. I looked up again to see Justin standing next to Abel on the other side of the table. I looked at the seat nin between Cory and I.

"Hey, Justin!" I waved. "Come sit next to me!"

He smiled and walked over to the chair.

"So, how was your fourth mod without me?" I asked. Honestly, I really wanted to know. It didn't make a differenc wether or not Cory was sitting two seats away.

"It was ok." he responded. "But, it would have been better with you. We have fun." A smile spread across his face and when a sparkle appeared in his eyes I understood that it was genuine. I hadn't got one of those in a lone time. I had missed it.

"Well," I started, "at least  we're only split apart for one mod. We have all of the others together."

He looked up from his sandwhich and wnked a me, "Good."  



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