Time Holds the Sun 2

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I wasn't sure what this was. Or what was going to happen to me.

They tell me I can have all this food. I can take a shower and wear clean clothes. I just have to say who got us out.

I have to say one thing. Then I can have all this. I looked up at the woman smiling at me. She seemed so gentle and sweet.

She pulled the chair out from the table and gently guided me to sit. The smell of the food filled my nose with its savory aroma.

I frowned knowing something bad would happen to the name I said. I knew the consequences and i....

I am ready to let them happen.

My ankle has been swelling up horribly. I can't stand anymore. I have been locked in a small room and it's warm. I was okay at first but now the heat has become unbearable.

There was a harsh growling every so often. I just hope it's a boiler room and I'm not near my sweet forgiving death.

Suddenly I see the door opening spilling light into the room. Two people lifted me to my feet. I groaned as they dragged me into a room.

It was bright and there was a table. I was on the floor. Not able to stand. "Oh my, you're hurt!" A female voice said. She helped me up. Then brought me to the chair.

She spoke again. There was something she wanted to know. If I gave her an answer she would give me the items on the table.

"You will also get ice and wrapping for that leg." She said and I looked down to my black and blue swelling ankle. Then I looked back at her.

Jungkook and I were thrown back into room. Namjoon stood up but hesitated to come to us.

I stand up only to be pushed back to the ground. "I'll find out who it is" the voice called before slamming the door. I looked at Jungkook he smiled at me.

His eyes were closed but he smiled. He then tried to stand. However he only managed to sit up. Then he did his best to help me. I smiled back at him.

"It didn't go down like you think" Namjoon said. He then approached us. We looked at him. My face in fear. "I didn't tell them it was you." Namjoon said.

"Then who did you say?" Jungkook asked. But before he could answer Hoseok was brought to the room. He was clean and fresh, just like Namjoon.

He smiled when he saw Namjoon then ran to hug him. "I missed you! " he said. Happy to see his friend. Then he felt the other presence. He turned

There was shock in his face. He came down to us. "Jungkookie, are you ok?" He asked then he cupped the boy's face.

Jungkook smiled. Then they hugged each other. "I..said Yoongi's name." Namjoon said. The 3 of us looked up at him. "I did too." Hoseok added.

Jungkook looked at me. I was in shock. I then looked down. I pulled at my dirty tangled hair. Then I felt pain in my eyes.

I wanted to cry so badly but my lack of hydration kept me from doing so. I knew it was smart to say that but he was our friend.

He was our friend.

A few hours have passed and Jimin , Jin and Taehyung all were here. They all looked the same. Fresh. Jungkook and I were the only ones who didn't receive the "care package".

None of us talked. Everyone was in their own little bubble. Occasionally once of the boys would say something. But never got a response.

The door opened and a man came in. He told me and Jungkook to get up and follow him. We were too weak to fight. We were barely strong enough to walk but we did.

We were taken back to the room there were two fresh plates of food sitting on a table with two chair. "No questions. Please eat, there is nothing bad in it." The man said.

His voice was soft and mello, almost inviting. Jungkook held my hand the lead me to the table. He let me sit then he sat across from me.

He didn't hesitate to indulge in the hot savory meal. I watched him for a moment. My mouth watered.

I looked at the man. But he was gone. I looked back to Jungkook, tears in his eyes from nothing but happiness. He looked at me then down to my plate.

"...eat" he said. His voice already sounding stronger. I looked down at my plate and put some of the food in my mouth. My eyes watered and I ate some more.

Now eating as fast as Jungkook. Both of us crying. Once finished we smiled at each other. The man came back. I looked at him.

He looked so familiar. Like I've seen him before. He was definitely different. The other people in this hell hole would have grabbed us. But he called for us .

And we obediently followed him. He brought us to a new room. It was wet inside. It was a shower.

"You go that way. He goes this way." He said. He did as told. I entered the wet shower. I smiled and began to remove my dirty and wet clothes. I turned on the water and it was cold.

I didn't even care. I stood under it. Slowly I could see the dirt, grim, and blood rinsing off me. I was already so clean and I hadn't even got the soap.

I took the shampoo and washed my hair. Then used the soap to clean my body. The soap was strange and kind of sticky. But I was too happy.

After the shower I saw a bag hanging in the corner. There was a towel and fresh clothes. I slipped on the wet floor from getting excited.

My body made a loud thud and echoed in the showers. Suddenly a male came in. It was Jungkook. I think he asked if I was ok. But he didn't finish.

He was fully dressed and face heated up and he scrambled out of the shower. I stood up, not wanting to say anything about Jungkook....seeing me me naked.

I dried off and put my cloths on. Then exited my shower. The man and Jungkook were waiting for me. He walked us back to the room. I took one final look at the man. Then gasped as he closed and locked the door.

I remember who he is now. I looked at the other boys in the room. They all had smiled on their faces. Jungkook ran to his friends and they all group hugged.

Bouncing and shouting. You could hear pained yelps from Jimin. They looked like the winning soccer team. I sat on Yoongi's old bed. I remembered how the one of the first days he tried to help me with my cuts and scars.

Then a man came in and left food for us. He was protective of me . But that is him. That was our New friend. I looked back to the door.

I felt like he wanted to tell me something. I took a deep breath trying to fight back an ocean of tears from thinking about Yoongi. Then a body sat next to me.

"Its ok." It was Jin. He had a sweet smile and he gently patted and rubbed my back. He had a motherly quality about him and I finally felt safe and calm.

But I had to find out what happened. And what that man wanted to tell me.

If he even wanted to tell me somthing.

Hello. This story is heating up.
Shout out to Radioactive_Ninja138
She read the whole story and commented on almost every chapter.
I love replying to all your comments.
Readers please leave me lots of comments!!

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