Taken: Chapter 1

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Justin had his arms wrapped around her, she loved it when he brushed the hair out of her eyes. Jill lay on her back against Justin's firm chest. They were on the beach, not a single thing out of place. The sunset was breathe taking, the wind cool, but their bodies warm. Jillian thought about Justin, how she loved him more than anything she could ever think of. Justin leaned in and they shared a kiss as the sun went down. This was it! The best day of her life had finally come.

A year ago she had been a loser, an outcast and she still was, but Justin made things so much easier. The wind suddenly began to pick up and Jillian was overcome with goosebumps. "Come on babe" Justin exclaimed, "Let's head inside." He grabbed her hand and together they raced inside the house. As they ran in the door the wind fought back, making it hard to close the door. As Justin got it shut Jillian's mom poked her head out of the kitchen. "Hey I was worrying about you two, wind is really picking up now!"

Just as they were taking their shoe's off a car horn sounded from outside. Jill sighed and prepared for what was to come after Justin left. Depression. It hit her so hard sometimes she would cry for hours at a time. When she was with Justin though he seemed to take it all away. He retied his shoes and they went outside once again. A crack of lightning scared Jill into Justin's arms, he laughed and held her tight. They walked to the car and he turned to her. "I love you so much babe!"

 "I love you too!!" Jill gushed. They leaned in for a kiss, and just like in the movies it began to rain! Jill looked up into the sky, then back at Justin.

She gave him a big hug and then ran back to the house. As she was running she slipped on a mossy rock and fell to the ground hitting her head. Rain fell onto her face. The sky was a dark mess of clouds. Her eyes fluttered battling to stay awake, but the sky soon began to blur. Before Jill passed out a dark figure looked over her and she could feel herself being carried. The porch lights seemed to grow farther and farther away until everything went black.

Jill's eyes were not fully opened and she was not fully conscious, but her head throbbed horribly. She fluttered her eyes and began to awake. Looking around it didn't take her, but a couple of seconds to realize she was in a hospital. She looked right and saw Justin sleeping in the chair next to her bed. He looked exhausted. "Jill time to take your medication." the nurse cheerfully walked in saying. Jill sat up trying to find comfort which made Justin shoot up like a bullet. "Babe, please lay back down." Justin carefully coaxed Jill back into bed.

She looked at the pills and uttered "Uh, excuse me these aren't the pills I take!" 

"Trust me hon, they'll take away the pain!" Jill skipped and argument and swallowed them down. The nurse left and Jill's hand met the top of her head. She winced in pain. "How do you feel babe?"

 "My head hurts alot!"

 "Jill...you scared me tonight."


 "Please let me finish. You really scared me, you got a concussion and passed out for three hours!" Jill's eyes began to water and she wasn't even upset. "I want you to have this babe." Justin pulled out a silver chain and at the end was a golden heart. Tears flowed down her face and she embraced Justin in a hug. He clasped it around her neck and she held it in her hand. "I'm gonna go get some water, do you want anything babe?"

 "Yeah can you get me a coffee please hon, thank you!"

Justin left the room and Jill laid her head back onto the pillow. She closed her eyes, god she hated hospitals. Even the feeling of them gave her chills and now she was in one with tubes going up and down her arm. Then a doctor came in wearing a white mask and matching coat. "Hello." He glanced at his clipboard and then went to a closet to his left. Jill could feel her eyes relax, but she opened them and tried to stay awake. 

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