OMG!: Chapter 3

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"Because... she is my wife" Jill's eyes grew very large. " T-Thats impossible my dad and brother died in a car accident!" Jake gave her a look and there was along silence. 

Jill felt like she was frozen, she couldn't believe her dad was alive...She couldn't believe that her dad turned into a crazy psycho either. A rush of memories flew back into her mind. This was there house when mom and dad first got married. That was her room when she was 2. "That means..." Jill whispered. "I'm...your brother..."Josh said. Jill looked into his eyes, was this really her big brother Josh.

The baby that used to belly flop into mud and eat worms in moms photo albums. A rush of anger flew over her and she stood up yelling "So you are telling me you faked your death, leaving me and mom...How could you do that to us when we needed you most?" She paced back and forth. Anger flushed over her like a tidal wave, but the questions still floated in her mind? "And why this?? I mean kidnapping me really, why?!" she screamed. Jake slowly stood up. "Jill I know that your angry..."

" Angry?" Jill screamed. "Angry doesn't even cover it!! We lost our house, went through so much pain and hurt... we needed you, for every chorus concert and softball game you missed, me and mom needed you." There was a long silence. Jill's eyes softened. "And could you be in on this...your were my big brother and now..." "I wanted to come see you, but... Jill I am so sorry" Tears filled Jill's eyes. Jake came over to comfort her, but Jill slapped him away.

" I am still your father , I am still the same man." Jake said firmly. "no, something has changed... your not my dad and I'm leaving now!" Jill said backing towards the door. Jake stood up saying "You're  not going anywhere!" Jake rushed over to Jill and grabbed her arm, holding her really tight. "Ow your hurting me!" Jill screamed slowly bending down in pain.

"Dad lay off!" Josh yelled standing up. Jake looked to Austin and he grabbed Josh's arms. "Chill out bro" he snickered. Josh tried pulling away, but Austin had his arms tight. Jake held Jill as she screamed "Justin...please where are you?!!" Jake laughed replying " Your boyfriend aint here baby!" Jake threw her over to the stairs and yelled"Go to your room now!!" She tripped running up the stairs, so frightened by what appeared to be her dead father. She slammed her door and cried on her bed. "Please Justin...please" she bawled.

 Justin's eyes fluttered to see a bright light. He attempted to lift up his head, but it fell back to the noticeably moist ground. Justin slowly, but surely sat on his knees. He rubbed his eyes and soon his head. He looked around him. The entire room was pitch black. As he walked around something hit his face making him jump.

He laughed it off realizing it was a light string. Turning it on he realized he was in some sort of a storage garage. Justin walked up to the door, but it wouldn't budge. He looked around him for supplies. Boxes stacked up everywhere and a big brown roll desk. He ripped open the nearest box and peered inside. A newspaper caught his eye. "Car Explosion leaves two dead" He read aloud. That meaning nothing to him he turned around and kicked a nearby box, but regretted his decision to do so. He slammed his foot into something hard and it didn't feel so hot!

He slowly bent down trying to gain feeling back into his foot and opened the box. Inside was a brown key and... Justin's eyes widened. A gun. He held it in his hands. Honestly he felt that if it came down to it he would use it to save her!! He would do anything to find Jill. He slid it into his back pocket and tried the key in the door. He slowly opened the door and peered out side. He opened it fully and almost wanted to crawl back in. The hallway was dark and dead silent.

He looked both ways, but only to the right did a door stand. He slowly walked down the chilly hallway passing other storage garages, but finally reached the door. He walked outside and was totally oblivious to where he was. About 200ft down he was some sort of diner. Having no other options he started down towards it. He thought while he was walking, how was he ever going to find Jill. His hope had flown out the window by now! He needed her, he loved her. A tear stung Justin's eye, but he wouldn't let it fall. "No...I am gonna find her if its the last thing I do!" Finally making down to the diner he sat down at a booth catching his breathe. A blonde waitress came up and asked "Hi hon what can I get ya?"

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