Moving: Chapter 6

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About and hour later Jake unlocked the closet and replied "Come on guys no fooling around we have to pack!" "But Aus-" Jill began. "Here." Jake threw a box to Jill and Josh. "Start packing because we will be outta here in two days!" The word she was about to use made her sick, but it was the only way he would listen. "Dad..." Jake slowly turned around and looked at Jill. Hey eyes began to fill with tears and he slowly walked up to her. "I...I don't wanna go please!" "Hey pudding, everything is gonna be alright we are finally together again and live a happy life again ok?" He began to walk away when Josh put in "Dad..."

He turned around and replied "Yes?" "I don't...I don't wanna go either!" Jake slowly walked to him and replied "What?" "I don't wanna go...I wanna see mom!" Jake's face hardened and he sternly uttered "Not gonna happen!" "Jill and I are not going!" Josh said.

Jake was in Josh's face now. "You are going whether you like it or get to fricking packing!" He went into his room and slammed the door. Jill looked at Josh with sad eyes and replied "Forget it Josh...It's over..." she sighed as she walked up the steps. "How can you say that? I'll find a way I promised you!" She weakly smiled. "And it was a nice thought, but we're moving to god knows where and by the time they find this house...we'll be gone"

A single tear dripped off her face and she carried the box into her room. She looked around and sat in front of her dresser packing up all of her clothes. She bawled her eyes out, tears dripping on her clothes. She was gonna miss much. A fire burned inside to her keep pushing, keep trying to escape, but what was the point? In two days they'd be gone...and she couldn't stop it! "Hey you wanna order a pizza?" Jake asked. "Uh sure thanks Ja-dad" He smiled and sat on her bed patting for her to join. "How you holding up kid?"

Her last plan formed in her head. She would try to play Jake into thinking she missed him and loved him, like just for a moment he was the old dad. "Look dad, I am sorry about being a brat...I just" Jill teared up just thinking about how much she missed him over the years. How badly she wished he was alive. Now that he was here she hated him. "Oh I know kiddo and I am so sorry I missed out on you and your mom! I love you guys so much!" They hugged it out and Jake went downstairs to order pizza.

She sighed and went to her closet. When she first got here she didn't really look in it. Baby clothes filled the rack and she began glancing through them. Everything seemed to halt when her eye's fell on this outfit. It was a pair of patchy overalls that dad had made her when she was a baby.

They couldn't afford much so he made her these overalls and they meant the world to her and mom. She held them in her hands. "God I can't believe he kept these." She whispered. Sitting down on her bed she tried to remember from when she was little. Jill definitely remembered how crazy mom and dad were for each other as teens. Then when mom had Josh it seemed to complete the family...almost. Mom really wanted a little girl, but she loved Josh.

Then she had Jill and everything was awesome! One of her favorite little kid memories is when her mom would put her to sleep. She would lay Jill on her lap gently brushing her soft brown hair with her hand. And she would sing A Dream is Your Wish, from Cinderella. Amber has such a lovely voice, Jill would love when she sang for her. She would cradle her in her arms and tell her how beautiful she is. The safe, warm feeling she got from her mom was incredible.

A feeling...that disappeared for a while when she was about five. Dad worked more and more and mom was very stressed. She always had a tired expression and Jill felt horrible, but she was five what could she do. When her 'dad's accident' happened...she had never seen her mom cry so much in her life. It was incredible though, after about a week her mom seemed normal. Playing with her and snuggling with her at night, but she could tell her mom was never the same. Jill was too young to understand what had happened, but when she was ten her mom explained and they shared a well needed cry together.

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