388 21 10

I created a new version of my old groupchat because I didn't like where the other one was going, so bye 🤗
Neymar is hotttt has invited spongebob

Neymar:stranger danger

Sergi: uh Neymar I think you added the wrong person

Gerard pique: no shit Sherlock

Neymar: oops I'm sorry Wrong person

Andrea Lopez: no don't leave me

Neymar: I'm sorry I have to go! I love you

Andrea Lopez: DON'T LET GO JACK


Marc Bartra: um do you two need a minute

Andrea Lopez: no 🙃

Lionel Messi: sorry for the inconvenience

Andrea Lopez: no it's not a problem

*Marc bartra has added sponge bob be lit to the chat*

Dani Alves: hola idiots and lady

Neymar:Dani meet Andrea and Andrea meet Dani Alves

Andrea Lopez: hello

Dani Alves: hello

Marc Bartra: Ney how can you be so sure her name is Andrea it could be Alba

Gerard pique: or Pablo

Andrea Lopez: or pancho

Lionel Messi: why are you agreeing with them

Andrea Lopez: I mean you never know

MarcT: okay then let's get to know you better

Andrea Lopez: my name is Andrea Lopez, I am 22 years old and I hate Gerard piqué

Gerard piqué: why, I mean not that I care but why

Andrea Lopez: I mean sure you have good looks and you're tall but you're an ass

Marc Bartra: moving on

Neymar: where do you live

Andrea Lopez: why do you need to know

Dani Alves: don't worry we're not convicted killers

Andrea Lopez: I live in Acapulco, Mexico

MarcT: have you ever dived off the cliff

Andrea Lopez: you mean la Quebrada cliff divers

MarcT: yes

Andrea Lopez: a year ago I did

Neymar: Leo can I ask you a personal question

Lionel Messi: no I will not give you my opinion on your genitals

Neymar: damn it

Marc Bartra: moving on again Andrea are you single

Gerard piqué: eww Marc your standards are so low

Andrea Lopez: that's why he likes you and Marc I'm married

Dani Alves: crap

Rafinha: hello

Neymar: it's about time young man where were you

Gerard piqué: hold on but you said I was hot a minute ago

Sergi: there is some nice weather outside

Andrea lopez: ok I did not say you were hot I just said you were good looking

Gerard piqué: so you like me

Andrea Lopez: your personality sucks so no


Gerard piqué: do you have any idea who you're talking to

Andrea Lopez: does it look like I care

Dani Alves: let's all send nudes

Marc Bartra: but alphabetically

Gerard piqué: you know what I'm done

Andrea Lopez: bye
*gerard is hott has left the chat*
*spongebob has left the chat*'
Dani Alves: what happened

Neymar: can I ask something

Lionel Messi: go ahead

Neymar: why is her user name spongebob

Group chat- FC Barcelona Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin