228 20 11

Dani Alves: what now

Lionel Messi: we fix it

Neymar: good luck to whoever is gonna fix this cause Gerard is scary when he mad

Marc Bartra: I'll do it

*Marc, Gerard and Andrea*
Gerard piqué:Marc what is the meaning of this

Marc bartra:you two need to work this out

Andrea Lopez: why should we

Gerard piqué: yeah

Marc Bartra: just apologize and happy happy

Andrea Lopez: not unless he apologizes first

Gerard piqué: not gonna happen princessa

Andrea Lopez: don't call me that

Gerard piqué: watch me princessa, and you should apologize first you called me an ass

Andrea Lopez: because you are one do you know how many times you were rude

Gerard piqué: oh please like you care

Marc Bartra: guys stop this immature

Andrea Lopez: I care about other people's feelings

Marc Bartra: can we not fight anymore

Gerard piqué: oh please, try seeing people through my perspective

Andrea Lopez: I tried to, but I can't put my head that far up my ass

Marc Bartra: OKAY ENOUGH!!!!!!! You two stop fighting and make up so we can go back to the groupchat

Gerard piqué: fine, I'm sorry Andrea even though you started it

Andrea Lopez: I accept your apology and I'm sorry too Gerard
*back to groupchat*

Neymar: Geri I missed you

Gerard piqué: I didn't

Dani Alves: what he meant to say was we missed Andrea

Andrea Lopez: I missed you all too

Lionel Messi: even though we don't know you

Andrea Lopez: I thought I told you all the basic

Luis Suarez: I don't think telling us that you're 22 and your name is Andrea Lopez is all we need to know

Dani Alves: don't forget that she hates piqué

Andrea Lopez: well what else do you need to know

Neymar: what type of yogurt do you eat

Luis Suarez: how many dogs do you have

Gerard piqué: whats your blood type

Jordi: I like dogs

Lionel Messi: you don't have answer those

Sergi: you do

Andrea Lopez: I eat any type of yogurt, I'm A+ positive, and I have two German Shepards

MarcT: so you and piqué made up

Gerard piqué: yep she practically begged me so

Marc Bartra: no she didn't

Gerard piqué: whateves I have to go I got a date 😏

Andrea Lopez: AAHHHAHHAHH that's funny oh wait your serious

Neymar: I taught you my fuckboy ways great son

Andrea Lopez: 🙄😒
I am terribly sorry for not updating its just I did not have wifi and I've been having to go to McDonald's to get wifi

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