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Marc and Dani are still in my book

Neymar: Andrea how old is your husband

Andrea Lopez: like 30 or 32 idk

Dani Alves: do you have a thing for older guys

Andrea Lopez: I mean he's not that older than me I'm like what 22

Marc Bartra: my problem is not the age difference my problem is you don't even know how old your husband is

Andrea Lopez: tbh I forget my birthday sometimes and my age, like when they ask how old I am I still go 17 and then I'm like hold fudge I'm 22

Lionel Messi: I can tell your not really responsible

Andrea Lopez: I have a child's heart but an adult mind sometimes

Rafinha: you girls are so confusing

Andrea Lopez: what do you mean we are, you all are puzzling y'all smell good but ya dumb

Sergi: I don't think any guy would handle you

Jordi: but she has a husband

Andrea Lopez: he doesn't really handle me he just throws food at me so I calm down and go to my natural habitat

Neymar: which is?

Andrea Lopez: my room, but anyway Sergi you're right no one could handle me

Gerard piqué: I could handle you real good

Luis Suarez:...

Dani Alves: anyways who's excited to go to the UK

Andrea Lopez: yeah, about that I need to talk to Marc and Leo right now

Marc Bartra: umm okay
Marc, Leo and Andrea
Marc Bartra: what did you need to talk about

Andrea Lopez: I'm not aloud to leave the country according to my husband

Lionel Messi: what why

Andrea Lopez: I can't tell you all because then you all will act weird around me

Marc Bartra: please

Lionel Messi: we won't act weird around you ,of course we would if you liked Neymar cause you know he's ,well, Neymar

Andrea Lopez: promise that you won't tell

Marc Bartra: yes now spilllllll

Andrea Lopez: I'm well 8 months pregnant...

Lionel Messi: but I don't get why your husband won't let you go to the UK didn't you say it was a business trip

Marc Bartra: wait so you're pregnant

Andrea Lopez: I did say it was business related but that useless paperclip looked through my texts and was pissed that I was texting a bunch of guys

Lionel Messi: then we'll have to go to Mexico i guess

Andrea Lopez: don't worry I have everything planned out for you all to come

Marc Bartra: hold the fudge up why in the mint chocolate chip did you not tell us you're pregnant

Andrea Lopez: you never asked

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