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Gerard piqué: como Estas

Neymar: bien

Dani Alves: bien feo

Neymar: excuse u honey I'm beautiful on the inside

Andrea Lopez: beauty on the inside doesn't get you free drinks

Lionel Messi: it doesn't

Gerard piqué: excuse you I bet you aren't that pretty either

Andrea Lopez: tbh I'd rate myself a strong 4 with makeup

Sergi: I've tried to put on makeup and I failed

Andrea Lope: I'm going to bed

Gerard piqué: but it's noon in Mexico

Andrea Lopez: time isn't real

Dani Alves: okay anyway how much more days do we have left until we meet Andrea

Lionel Messi: 25

Neymar: no I can't wait that long

Marc Bartra: yes you can

Jordi: wait sergi why did you try to put makeup on

Sergi: why don't you have a driver license

Jordi: touché

Rafinha: wait what if we throw Andrea a surprise party when we meet her

Luis Suarez: problem we don't have any where to throw it

Marc Bartra: we're taking her private jet so we can throw it there when she comes and picks us up

Lionel Messi: I don't know guys

Andrea Lopez: come on Miley (get it because his hair is blonde tehe, I'm sorry)

Rafinha: please tell me you don't know we're throwing you a surprise party

Andrea Lopez: I mean you just told me

Sergi: so I'm guessing the surprise party is over

Andrea Lopez: no, you all can throw it and I'll pretend to feel special

Gerard piqué: I'll pretend to care

MarcT: I'm lost

Dani Alves: I'm hot

Neymar: true that

Andrea Lopez: now let me sleep


school starts tomorrow and I'm not emotionally prepared for failing

school starts tomorrow and I'm not emotionally prepared for failing

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