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Me learning how to drive ^

Marc Bartra: ok guys change of plans were going to Mexico

Neymar: wat why

Lionel Messi: because we said so

Gerard piqué: can we leave Ney there

Dani Alves: of course

Jordi: wait how are we going there, didn't we already book are tickets to the UK

Andrea Lopez: Marc cancelled them

Sergi: when are we leaving

Lionel Messi: in a month

Neymar: that's too much time

Marc Bartra: you're lucky I even got them for us

Gerard piqué: I don't understand why can't Andrea come to us

Jordi: that is quite suspicious

Lionel Messi: let's talk about something else shall we

Marc Bartra: yes we shall

Neymar: wait why isn't Andrea talking

Andrea Lopez: bruh I'm at a photoshoot

Gerard piqué: what photoshoot

Andrea Lopez:

Dani Alves: why are we friends

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Dani Alves: why are we friends

Neymar: OMG I used to play that game until I wasted all my money on it

Marc Bartra: my question is why are you playing that game

Andrea Lopez: I have no life Marc, that's why

Lionel Messi: why not try to getting a life

Andrea Lopez: I would but I would have to interact with people for that to happen

Gerard piqué: what are you doing right now

Andrea Lopez: texting with idiots

Dani Alves: ahh but soon you will meet us

MarcT: but not me

Andrea Lopez: ok everyone can meet me but Gerard

Jordi: I'm cool with that
Gerard and Andrea

Gerard piqué: is there any particular reason you hate me

Andrea Lopez: no

Gerard piqué: then why don't you want to meet me

Andrea Lopez: I mean you make me mad

Gerard piqué: how about I buy you chocolate and flowers

Andrea Lopez: deal

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