Part 24

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Behind him were standing: Zola, Grace and Meredith...

Me: Owen st-stop

Owen: Why? Don't tell me you don't love me

Me: Owen th-the kids

He turned around and let me go. Meredith was smiling but then she realized that the kids were looking so she covered their eyes

Meredith: Don't look! Guys, get a room

Owen: Well Cristina, what are you going to do?

Me: What do you mean?

Owen: Stay here, please

Me: I can't I have to go back, I have the hospital

Owen: You can't, you can't take Grace away from me again. I can give you a spot as an attending cardio-surgeon

Me: I will think about it

I went into my room and locked the door, I sat on the bed and started thinking, what was I suppose to do, I had a life in Zurich now. Somebody knocked on the door

Me: Who's there?

Grace: It's me mom open the door

I opened the door and she sat down next to me

Grace: Mom I wanna stay here, I like Seattle

Me: But don't you like Switzerland? All your friends and your teachers?

Grace: No I wanna stay here with Dad and Bailey and Meredith

Me: Are you sure?

Grace: Yes

Me: Okay then

I took my phone and dialed Shane's number

Me: Dr. Cristina Yang, I would like to talk to Dr. Ross

Woman: He is in surgery can I put you on speaker?

Me: Sure. Dr. Ross?

Shane: Yes?

Me: I have good news for you

Shane: What do you mean?

Me: I'm moving back to Seattle

Shane: What!

Me: I'm giving you the head of the hospital

Shane: Why?

Me: I'm moving back for Grace and Owen.

Shane: I thought Owen was marrying Dr. Sheperdess

Me: It's a long story. But Shane, I'm giving a whole fricking service and you keep asking questions

Shane: I'm gonna miss you...

Me: Me too, you'll come visit right, and I'll come visit too don't worry

Shane: Well everybody say bye to Dr. Yang

Me: Bye everybody, and Shane I'll talk to you later

Shane: Bye

I hung up, I looked at Grace, she was smiling. We hugged

Grace: Thank you mom, I love you

Me: I love you too honey, now let's go tell Dad

I opened the door, Owen was sitting on the couch, his head in his hands. When he heard the door opening he looked up

Me: Okay...

Owen: Really?

Me: Yeah, I'm staying

Meredith: What about the hospital?

Me: Shane's taking care of it

Meredith: You're staying, oh my god!!!

Owen: Thank you, you wanna go out tonight with Grace, restaurant or something?

Me: You can take Grace tonight, but I'm tired, maybe another time

Owen: Okay and thank you again

Me: Grace, go get ready you're going to your dad's house tonight

I took clothes and a toothbrush and put it in a small bag that I gave to Owen. They left and I sat on the couch

Meredith: What was that?

Me: I don't know, but I liked it


Author's note:
Hey guys sorry for this small chapter, keep telling me what you think about the story, thanks <3

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