Part 75

886 21 2

Me: She should be fine

Lauren: Thank you, so so so much I under estimated you I'm so sorry

Me: It's alright, she's fine all your girls are fine mom is fine everyone's fine

Callie: Mrs. Roberts your father is waking up he'd like to see you, Cristina you too

Me: Oh okay

We both went to his room

Saul: Lauren Cristina here you are, how is everyone?

Me: They're alright

Saul: I'm a doctor too you can talk to me seriously

Me: I fixed Joy's hear she should be fine, her vitals are stable but the next 24 hours are crucial we really need to keep and eye on her, I think Alex was working Hope and she's in the ICU so she should be fine and Dr. Robbins was working on Haven who is still in the ICU too

Saul: And Helen?

Me: Um Dr. Grey is still in the OR she should be out soon

Owen: Hi

Me: Hey, um do you know if Meredith is out of the OR yet?

Owen: I just checked on her that's why I was coming, Mr. Rubenstein your wife was in very bad shape when she came in so Dr. Grey repaired her organs and she did great but she still has trouble breathing so she'll probably be intubated when you'll see her until her lungs can take it

Saul: Alright thank you Dr. Hunt

Owen was leaving but he called him

Saul: Why don't you stay here and talk about you a little we never really got to know you

Owen: Um I mean I

Me: He has work to do

Saul: Are you this scared of me?

Owen: I'm not scared I

Saul: You're my girl's husband, even if she's not my daughter I raised her I get the right to get to know her husband and plus Helen will kill me if she knows I had the opportunity to talk to you and I didn't

Owen: Oh okay then, I don't want you to get in trouble with your wife

Saul: You know what it is right?

Owen: When you don't do what they want you to do

Saul: Exactly

He came and sat down next to me

Saul: So tell me about you, where did you grow up? Do you have family? Where did you go to school?

Me: Um isn't this just a little too much?

Owen: No it's all good, um I grew here in Seattle, um I, my family...

Me: No you don't have to answer this

Owen: It's okay, I still have my mother, my father passed away when I was almost 10, I had a sister and she left us too, I went to school at Harvard and did my residency at Northwestern and then I enrolled in the army with my sister

Saul: Why did you leave the army?

Owen: I was dismissed after the people from my unit all died and I came here. But you know what? My past doesn't matter because now my life is here with Cristina and my kids and I wouldn't change for anything in the world

I took his hand and smiled at him

Saul: I'm proud of you Cristina! You became a very talented surgeon and you picked a very good husband

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