Part 58

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I was sitting next to Grace at Day Care, it was 7:54 and Owen told me he was gonna call me at 8. My phone finally rang, it was a Face Time call, I put my earphones in my ears

Me: Hey

Owen: Hey hun', you with Grace?

Me: Yeah, babe look at dad

Grace: Hey dad

Owen: How are my favorite girls in the world?

Grace: Good

Owen: Is Bailey around I wanna say happy birthday

Me: Yeah um he is here BAILEY!!

Bailey: What?

Me: Owen wants to say happy birthday to you

Owen: Happy Birthday Bailey

Bailey: Thanks Owen

Me: Okay Grace say bye to dad I'm going

Grace: Bye dad

I got up and left Day Care, then I got down to the lobby and I saw Meredith and Derek talking to some blond girl I didn't know

Me: Mer', Derek, Owen's on the phone

Meredith: Hey Cris...

Me: What's up with you?

The blond girl turned around, it was Amelia

Amelia: Dr. Yang

Me: Dr. Shepherd

Owen: Dr. Shepherd? Since when do you call Derek dr. Shepherd?

Me: Owen shhh

Amelia: Where is Owen, I don't want him to see me here, I'm just coming to say Happy Birthday to Bailey

Me: Hum he is not here

Amelia: So why did you? Oh are you on the phone with him?

Me: Yeah, nice color

Owen: Hello! Cristinaaaa do you hear me??

Me: Yeah I do, can I call you later?

Owen: I'm gonna go to sleep later, I wanted to see the kids

Me: You saw Grace

Owen: I wanna see the twins, I don't want them to forget my face

Me: They won't forget your face, you remember things at 2 months old, you're right. Excuse me I need to go, Mer, Derek, Owen says hi

Meredith: Say I said hi too

Derek: Yeah say hello for me

Me: Sure, goodbye

I went up to the nursery and showed Owen the babies, he talked to them and then I left

Owen: I miss you

Me: Yeah I miss you too

Owen: I'm gonna go now so bye, I love you

Me: Love you too bye, call me when you can

Owen: I will, bye

He hung up and I went back to the lobby, Meredith and Derek were still there with Amelia

Meredith: Hey, is he good

Me: Yeah he wanted to talk to Adam and Ariana, he is afraid they're gonna forget his face

Meredith: That's stupid, Derek can babies remember their parents faces even if they don't see them for awhile?

Derek: Yeah all stored in the frontal lobe

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