Chapter 20 (Epilogue)

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AN: Yes my friends this is the ending of this book. Obviously I will make a sequel, I don't think I have made a book yet that does not have a sequel. I am sorry but I want to focus on my bigger stories because I am getting a lot of angry demands.

And as usual it will be short.

Chapter 20 (Epilogue) :

Zedidya's POV:

The pain was intense. More intense than becoming a vampire. I groaned and fisted the sheets hard. I had to go to a doctor and Dimitri was not allowed to come in. It was a female doctor surprisingly with two other nurses who were ready for the baby.

A sharp pain coursed through me and I snarled baring my fangs. The doctor's knew who we were and they did not pay any attention to me being a vampire.

"One more big push, Zedidya!" The doctor said. I snarled again and heard a faint cry and I took a deep breath of relief.

"It's a boy!" The nurse said as they cut the cord and got the baby already.

"Wait a second..." The doctor said. I felt another pain course through and I snarled.

"Twins!" She yelled getting ready for the other baby. Twins? We weren't planning on twins. We only have one crib and one everything not two of everything!

I snarled again and this time I blacked out.

When I woke up I was in our regular room in Dimitri and I's bed. I stretched and lifted my shirt and noticed my large stomach was back to normal size. I took a sigh of relief. I remember the pain and it was horrible. I don't know if I will have kids again. Dimitri might need to wait a few years until I recuperate.

I looked over and Dimitri sat in a chair with a bundle of blue blankets and a bundle of pink blankets.

"A boy and a girl?" I asked surprised. I have seen twins everywhere but only the same gender. Never a boy and a girl. That is golden.

"Yep. Kristof and everybody wants to name the boy Ryder. But they want to leave the girl name up to you." He said.

"Ryder? I like that name." I smiled. I began thinking of various girl names. Boy names for girls popped into my head but Dimitri wouldn't do that.

"Mackenzie." I said.

"Mackenzie? Kenzie for sort." He said.

"Or Mac." I laughed. He smiled and looked down at them and I laughed. Dimitri this big huge dangerous assassin, holding two tiny fragile babies. The cutest thing ever.

Ryder and Mackenzie grew up in the life of assassins. We spent a lot of time with them but on some occasions Dimitri and I would have to leave to do a job. As I said I didn't know if I was going to have kids.

Well I did.

I had another pair of twins- I guess my eggs are amazing or Dimitri's are amazing- but they were both boys. Their names are Brandon and Tidus. I know I had a weird sense of names but I liked them.

They were one year apart from Ryder and Mackenzie and they spent a lot of time with each other. Michael Lock disappeared and we were never able to find him but the half breed vampires continued and the vampire race grew.

Which was when Dimitri and I changed the vampire world.


The End.

You will find out what happens in the sequel! Yay! Huge cliffhanger!

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