Chapter 7

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Chapter 7-

"Tes yeux sont comme la mer belle." Michael said to me as we sat outside in the garden.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Your eyes are like the beautiful sea." He said. I couldn't help but feel my cheeks flush.

"Oh..." I said not meeting his eyes.

"My dear you do realize how beautiful you are, right?" He asked.

"Well, no. I guess I am not that confident when it comes to my looks." I tested.

"Beau, if you believe I am confident. You are quite wrong." He tested back.

"Beau...Beau means beautiful."

"Oui." He said approvingly.

"But, let us do something else instead of studying."

"What do you have in mind? Archery?Fencing?" I asked hoping he would pick something that would involve some type of violence. My parents took away all the weapons I had and burned my bow that was my fathers. I had nothing. Even my robes and fighting gear was set aside.

"I was thinking something more...princess-ey." He said.

"Well what did you have in mind?"


"Horses?" I asked as he showed me two fine chestnut horses. They were beautiful but I couldn't ride one.

"They are guard horses. We can order a personal more customized one for you. If you can ride."

"I surely cannot ride. I have not tried to ride an animal in my life."

"Well princesses ride them in parades so, I guess now is the good time to practice." He winked handing me a riding helmet.

"You know how to ride, Mr. Lock?" I asked placing it over my hair and doing the chin strap.

"Every charming prince, duke or king knows how to ride a steed since birth." He said confidently helping me up on the horse. It was kind of awkward because I was wearing a dress but, it was kind of cool. Michael held the reigns making sure the horse walked a steady pace.

"How is it, Beau?" He asked. He has been giving me many french nick names: Beau, Beautiful, Cher, Dear and many more that I can't remember but the two were most common.

"So I have to do this for parades?" I asked surprised.

"Oui. The King and Queen usually have a festival that is next week."

"What festival is that?"

"It's the day your mother and father were given the throne. They usually walk the streets in a carriage and at night a large ball is thrown with many lords, ladies, Duke's, Duchesses, Princes, Princesses, Kings and Queens." He said naming them all off.

"A ball? Like the one last week?"

"Oui. But that was a small one. Not many people could make it because it was so sudden. But this one, this is much larger. You will ride the streets of Berlin on the first day, and you will walk them meeting with people, the second day you will ride the streets of Hamburg and walk them again and lastly you will walk the streets of Munich and the large ball is that night."

"So I go to the three main cities?" I asked.


"Wow. All next week?"


"Isn't it dangerous with all those people."

"There will be guards of course, Beau. They will protect you and of course I will be there." He winked again sending me a smile that showed his fangs. The fangs reminded me of Dimitri and my heart fell another ten percent. Anymore smiles like that and my heart will be broke into pieces and never fixed again.

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