Chapter 3

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Chapter 3-

"Does...Michael Lock, ring a bell?" I asked. Suddenly his face turned dark with anger.

"Why are you speaking to him?" He asked aggressively.

"Is he not one your assassins?"

"I exiled him from the group, I banished him. He shouldn't be around here."

"He helped me. He is quite easy to kill."

"Zedidya you cannot kill him."

"Why is that?"

"It's apart of the assassins rules."

"Well I am not an assassin."

"But I am. And I know you. Therefore if you had killed him and then came to me, we would both die. An assassin or an associate with an assassin cannot kill another assassin." He explained.

"Fine, I will let you free. First..." I said yanking the arrow out of his leg he snarled and bared his fangs.

"You know...for such a pretty sure are a bitch." He said.

"Well when someone kills your family...they won't exactly be Ms. Jolly afterwards." I said.

"So...twelve years ago, you were five? Six? Seven?" He asked.

"I was six a week away from seven." I said beginning to untie the silver chains seeing the scars it left. Out of the corner of my eye I watched his stomach muscles clench as I peeled off the silver.

"So let's say seven. Today you are nineteen?"

"Yes." I said finishing the last chain. I backed up quickly still holding out my knife

"I am not going to attack you. It is getting late. Don't you think you should rest?"

"I am in a place I do not call home. The most I sleep a day is four hours. I will stay awake to make sure no one tries to...assassinate me."

"Well if people know who you are. They won't try it." He said fixing the papers on his desk.I backed my way over across the room. I should have already had this man dead but for some reason he is alive.

"Are all of your assassins killing Collins?" I asked.

"Yes. We have different jobs. We pay more attention to jobs given to us by royals because they pay more. But if we get a job from a local then we do it when we can."

"Then why didn't Michael kill me?" I asked.

"Did you tell him your name?"


"He could have known who you were but he wants to make sure. If he takes you to your mother and father he will of course get the money and then have enough power to kill us all."

"Us?" I asked.

"My assassins and I, with the money he will get he will be able to buy every powerful creature in the world."

"But that would go against the rules."

"Michael is someone who is liked enough to bend the rules. With the money and power he can frame us for anything. He can frame us for ransom."

"What is ransom?"

"In the assassin world; ransom is taking money from the job giver and not fulfilling out the job. So, if I took money from a man to kill a man that was after him and the man who gave me money died. I would be killed for ransom."

"Did my re-...Did they give you money yet?"

"No. It's a very large job. So they don't give us the money until it is fulfilled."

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