Chapter 12

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Chapter 12-

Zedidya's POV:

Me and Dimitri walked through the market silently side by side. He had his mask off and hood as he said hello to random people. I kept my hood up incase anyone ever paid attention to a German princess. As we walked I saw posters of me scattered around and I pulled my hood up more. I am guessing Dimitri noticed because he bent down and whispered:

"No one is going to confront you if I am near you. They won't even come up to you for being a princess as long as I am here. Try it." He said. I hesitantly dropped my hood and looked around people stared at me with a bit of wide eyes or they looked at posters and glared back at me. But then saw Dimitri and looked away.

"You just drew much attention." I whispered back knowing he could hear me. I saw a sly smile appear on his lips. We continued walking through the market but stopped at a young boy holding shouting outrageous-actually very true-things.

"Twenty-two families killed! Who's next!? who's safe!? Who did this!?" He shouted, some people stopped and listened and began asking the same questions.

"Keep walking." Dimitri murmured touching the small of my back.

"Do people ever find out?" I asked after we were alone.

"That I did those things? No. The girls I save usually never tell." He shrugged as we walked along down a empty stone path into the woods. It was getting late and the sun was setting, and it was getting darker faster because of it being close to winter.

"Where are we going?" I asked as silence fell.

"An inn...we have three more families to do tomorrow. Then we are done."

"What do you do when all of this is over?"

"There is always people to kill Zedidya. I have been going after Collins with Lucian since I first started." He said and a wooden inn appeared in our sight and he gestured towards it. We came up to it and it looked small and cozy from the outside. Dimitri stopped.

"Hold on." He whispered holding his hand out so it lightly touched my chest. I held back a slight gasp from his icy touch and stumbled a bit back. He looked back raising an eyebrow at me.

"Fine." I answered looking away. He opened the door slowly and peered in. We walked in and the smell of death and corpses luminated in the air. I choked back bile and gripped onto Dimitri. He growled angrily and I looked past him. There was a fire place that was still going, small wooden tables and some chairs, a desk and an old looking rug and wooden stairs leading to rooms. It looked like a regular small class inn...

Except for the three dead bodies on the ground.

One was on the desk, another was near the fireplace and the third was on the ground with a serving table next to it, along with alcohol spilt. It was an older male body, a woman's body and a young boy about nineteen.

"I am going to look upstairs. Stay here." He ordered.bI nodded and walked over to the desk to look through pages of a book. It was just records of people who stayed. He went upstairs silently and all that was heard was the crackle of the flame.

As I looked through more papers I was suddenly grabbed and pinned to the ground. I was in shock and didn't move and stared into the eyes of a man and three other sets. There eyes were a stormy grey.

"Did you do this?" He asked. He was kind of old looking...but not really. His hair was black and greying on the sides, his skin was a bit withered and pale and his eyes were screaming dominance. There was a female with him she had short, curly brown hair and her eyes were a bit warmer but still held dominance, she had laugh lines around her mouth. Then he had two younger children. The son with black hair and the daughter with dark brown. They all looked the same.

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