Chapter 8

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Chapter 8-

Dimitri's POV:

"We look ridiculous." Kristof said as we were dressed in much fancier suits. They included puffy pants tucked into suede boots, with dress shirts that had puffy, ruffled collars and jackets with long two piece tails hanging out the back. We were dressed like lame royals, but we had to do this in order to get in. We were playing Small Duke's from Russia. Considering we were Russian. I knew it fluently so if I ran into the King and Queen I would be able to persuade them easily.

"It's good enough to blend."

"Blend?" William asked.

"You look handsome." Elizabeth joked laughing along with Mary and Meredith.

"Enough. Keep a low profile stay together and don't get friendly with anyone. Especially one of Michael's vamps." I said. They all nodded and we walked into the large crowd of the street parade. We were in the royals section where chairs awaited near the castle. There was seats reserved for us. Persuaded by the man doing it. I took our seat next to a man.

"Excuse my manners but I do not believe I have ever seen you before." The man next to me asked. He had an American accent. So I put on the strong Russian accent.

"We are from Russia. Duke's and Duchesses from Talnakh" I said. It was the smallest city in Russia. I would not over do it and say I was from Moscow or anything.

"Ah. Well It's a pleasure I am Roger Donald. A Duke from a small town in England." He said holding out his hand.

"I am Bronislav Belikov." I said making my fake name. He turned back when the parade began.

"Scan the area for any suspicion, of Michael's little friends." I whispered to Kristof who sat next to me. He whispered to William who whispered to Elizabeth, who did to Mary and then Meredith.

We all scanned the area for a while as the guards walked by.

"I found one." Kristof said staring straight ahead. I followed his gaze to a man in a black trench coat. He wore sunglasses to cover his yellow eyes and he had brown hair that was pushed back; his skin was deathly pale which probably gave it away. I zoned in on him trying to pick up a heart beat...nothing.

"Look for more like that. They are wearing sunglasses to cover there eyes. Just look for more pale people. Not pale like fair skin. I mean deathly pale." I whispered and he nodded and sent it back down the line again. Finally the King and Queen came out on their white carriage and everyone stood up and clapped and cheered. We did the same to blend in and I watched intently as I found some more of Michael's vamps. They stood in the back not clapping just watching.

Zedidya's parents looked a lot like her. They both had jet black hair that was dead straight, they both had fair skin, but she had her fathers high cheekbones, her mother's pointed nose and full lips. It was surprising how much a child could look like their parents. I never met mine so I couldn't say. They are vampires but they fled when I was born.

I was a mistake.

I shook the troubled feelings loose and they quickly fell away when Zedidya came out. Riding a horse which was inbetween two guardsmen. Her hair was still dead straight and long, it was half up and down, she wore a dress which was surprising. She seemed more of the boy-ish type. But she still looked amazing.

On her thigh closest to us I saw the outline of her classic knife. I shook my head smiling. She may still be a princess but no one could take the fighting skill from her. She smiled and waved as people cheered for her. She did not notice me which was good and she moved on.


"Dimitri." Kristof said walking into a shack that a Collins family used to own.

"Kristof." I greeted. William, Meredith and Mary joined me as Elizabeth came in carrying someone.

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