Chapter 4

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Chapter 4-

I traveled around with Dimitri for a while. I couldn't process that I could have been dead soon after I turned sixteen. The two people I called "mommy" and "daddy" would have killed me. I was warming up a tad bit to Dimitri and I noticed that the mark he had given me was turning into a bright silver.

Although I couldn't say out loud that I believed him I was starting to help him kill off the Collins' families.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he ran through the forest.

"I want to show you something." He said with no emotion. After about two weeks of hunting we had killed off over twenty different Collins' households. Collins have a lot of boys to extend their family. Soon we came to an opening where he set me down. I walked around him and my eyes popped out of my head.

"Why did you bring me here?" I growled looking at the place I used to call home.

"I want to show you all the secrets they have been hiding from you. Let's go." He said forcefully walking over to the small shack. He opened the door and I gasped at the sight infront of me. The blood had stained the floors and the skeletons of my family laid on the floor. I gagged at the sight turning away.

"Come on." He said walking over to a bookshelf. He looked at the books and touched the top black one and the shelf spread apart. No wonder my parents never really read the books on it. He stepped inside the tiny room. In it was papers, documents and a small desk.

"What is this?"

"I have been tracking Jack for some time. He used to be an assassin."

"He was?"

"Yes. His name is actually Alexander Collins. He used to be one of my lower ranked assassins. He did the small jobs. He wanted to do the bigger ones but he didn't have the stealth or skill to do it. So he got pissed off and left."

"Was he with my mother at the time?"

"He met her on a job and ran off with her. Had Craven and Alexander and changed his name to Jack so he wouldn't be noticed. Everyone in the household of assassins thought he died on a job and I kept it that way."

I picked up some papers that had all of my information on it.

"Zedidya Anastasia Renke...born in sixteen eighty-two injected with...Monocylin?" I asked.

"Monocylin is a drug that makes you not have dreams, it makes you very bland. No imagination no basically takes all that stuff away from you."

"I never really had dreams...and I never had an imagination really. I was always just sitting around and reading high advanced books."

"They put that in you incase you wandered off. Imagination makes children wander off, because they have short attention spans. It takes that away from you and gives you a much longer and better one."

"They basically took everything that a kid has away from me?"

"Yes. I remember I had been tracking your father and the only thing you would every really think about is becoming a highly educated woman living in a big castle. No being a princess or queen...just highly educated."

"Wow...I was quite the party, huh?"

"Indeed." He chuckled.

"But anyways they have every single piece of information about you here. You have black hair, blue eyes, the intelligence of an educated man, the agility and speed of a trained professional, you are allergic to wild berries, lettuce any type of spice, weeds and bee stings. Can you be allergic to anything else?"

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