Chapter Two

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 Calum is relieved when the weekend finally rolls around and he gets a small break from school. Michael has been extra watchful over him ever since he found out about the note, but there's nothing he can do to protect him when Calum is in class.

Calum still won't tell Michael who is harassing him, and it frustrates Michael. He just wants to protect his baby boy from all of the assholes at this school.

By the end of the week, though, Calum seems to be feeling better so Michael starts to let it go.

The final bell rings, dismissing them from class on Friday and Calum immediately runs out of class, his eyes searching the halls for Michael.

When he finds him, he's got his back turned toward him as he faces his locker, grabbing the books that he'll need over the weekend. Calum smiles and jogs toward him, leaping onto his back without warning.

Michael is startled, but as soon as he feels those familiar legs wrap around him, he smiles and hangs onto him so that he doesn't fall. He turns his head slightly and Calum leans down to kiss him on the lips.

Calum starts to wiggle his way out of Michael's grasp, but Mikey just laughs and holds on. He gives him a piggy-back ride all the way out to the parking lot, making Calum giggle. There's nothing Michael loves more than hearing that beautiful laugh.

Usually on Friday's, Calum comes over to Michael's house right after school and spends the night. It's sort of their weekly tradition. However, when they reach the motorcycle, Calum grabs the helmet and looks up at Michael sweetly.

"Would you mind dropping me off at the mall today?" He asks. "I have to grab a few things before I come over tonight."

Michael nods, "Sure. I can come with you if you want."

Calum smiles and shakes his head. "That's okay. I know how much you hate shopping."

Michael is grateful for that, he does hate shopping.

So after Michael drops Calum off at the mall, he quickly drives back to his apartment. Michael lives alone, which is odd for an eighteen year old who's still in high school.

When Michael came out as gay to his parents just a few years ago, his father hadn't taken it well. He'd said that Michael was a disgrace to the family and he tried to kick him out of the house.

Michael's mom, however, was much more understanding. She doesn't necessarily agree with Michael's lifestyle, but she loves him regardless. This whole ordeal caused a massive fight between his parents, and eventually it lead to their split.

Michael still blames himself for breaking them up no matter how many times his mom tries to assure him that it wasn't his fault. She says that it was many things that lead to their split, but Michael can't help but feel that if he were straight, his dad would still be here.

Once they got divorced, Michael obviously couldn't live with his dad. Even if his father had allowed it, he didn't want to live with such a vicious and judgmental man. So he and his mom packed up and moved to a small apartment in the middle of town.

Michael's mom was a flight attendant which meant that she was only home once or twice a month. She made sure to give him money for necessities each month, and Michael earned the rest of his money by doing odd jobs around town.

He'd tried many times to get an actual steady part-time job, but being known as a troublemaker in a small town makes you less than desirable to possible employers.

His mom sometimes worried about leaving him on his own at such a young age, but Michael didn't mind. It just meant that he had more time to spend alone with Calum.

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