Chapter Eight

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 Calum didn't call Michael on Sunday, and as much as it was killing him, Michael didn't call Calum either. He wanted to give him the space he asked for. On Monday, Michael tried to call Calum to see if he still wanted a ride to school. There was no answer. Michael rode to his house anyways, but after ringing the doorbell multiple times and standing outside for almost half an hour, he slowly made his way to school, alone.

Michael walks through the doors, alone for the first time since last year. People are still staring and whispering, but this time it's not about his boyfriend but his lack thereof.

He assumes that Calum isn't coming to school today, but he's surprised when he sees the small boy standing in front of his locker, grabbing books for his first few classes.

Calum is dressed in all black. He's got a black hoodie, black skinny jeans, and even black shoes. This is odd for the usually colorful boy.

Michael is about to go up and talk to him, when Calum is suddenly slammed against the locker. Calum looks up and sees Jake towering over him, his hands grabbing fistfuls of his hoodie.

"Well, well, well," Jake says smugly. "Look who's here all alone. Where's that boyfriend of yours, huh?"

Calum winces at the word boyfriend, and braces himself for the first punch. He shuts his eyes, but then he hears a familiar voice and a feeling of security runs through him.

"I suggest you let go of him right now," Michael says, his voice low as he stands a few feet away from the two boys.

Jake laughs and looks over at Michael. "Or what?" He taunts.

Michael's fist immediately connects with Jake's jaw, and he's forced to drop his hold on Calum. Michael badly wants to finish Jake off, but Calum is more important right now. He turns to the small boy and wraps an arm around his shoulder before leading him down the hallway, away from the crowd that's forming around his locker.

Once they're safely away from everyone and in a much less crowded part of the hallway, Michael turns to Calum, placing his hands on the small boy's shoulders.

"Are you okay?" He asks, his concerned eyes sweeping over Calum's face.

Cal has dark circles under his eyes indicating that he hasn't slept, and his hair is messier than usual.

Calum nods in response. "Thanks," he says quietly. "For, you know, standing up for me."

Michael hesitantly pulls Calum into a hug. When Cal doesn't pull away, Michael wraps his arms tighter. "I'm so sorry, Calum," he whispers. "I didn't mean what I said on Saturday. I was just angry that all of these people could be so mean to you, and I was angry at myself for not realizing what was going on. I'm just so sorry."

Calum wraps his arms around Michael's waist, breathing slowly against his chest. "It's okay."

"Are we okay?" Michael asks, pulling away just far enough to look Calum in the eye.

Calum nods, a small smile finding his lips. "Of course we are."

Michael is relieved, but worried at the same time. The smile that Calum forced onto his lips doesn't reach his eyes.

The next few days drag by slowly. Michael is clinging to Calum more than ever, partly because he doesn't want to give anyone a chance to mess with the small boy, and partly because he's just really worried about him.

He's stopped wearing bright colors, or any colors at all really. Michael hadn't even known that Calum owned so much black until now. His clothes are hanging off of his body as Cal continues to lose more and more weight. The dark circles underneath his eyes have become a permanent fixture on his gaunt face.

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