Chapter Five

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 It's January 5th, the day that Calum has been dreading ever since the month started. His glorious Christmas break is finally coming to an end and he has to go back to reality.

He's been in a state of euphoria over the past few weeks. This was the first proper break that he and Michael had spent together as a couple, and even thought they didn't really go anywhere or do anything special, it was amazing nonetheless.

Calum's phone buzzes and he glances at it. It's a text from Mikey saying that he's waiting outside. Cal looks himself over in the mirror one more time. He's wearing a long sleeved white shirt, light purple skinny jeans that he's rolled into capris, and a denim jacket. It's one of the outfits that his parents had gotten him for Christmas, and he absolutely loves it.

He bounds down the stairs, taking them two at a time. Even though he's seen Michael almost every single day since school got out, he still gets butterflies in his stomach whenever he gets to see him again. It's a strange sensation, but Cal loves it.

He grabs his book bag that's sitting on the floor by the front door and then walks outside, closing and locking the door behind him. Mikey is leaning casually against his motorcycle, a smile spreading on his lips when he sees Calum.

They pull each other into a hug and Michael leans down to kiss the top of Calum's head. "Morning babe," he says softly.

Calum just groans.

Michael pulls away and looks at Calum's face. He notices a few hints of sadness and his brows furrow together in concern. "What's wrong?"

Calum shrugs, "Nothing. I'm just sad that Christmas is over."

Michael giggles softly and pulls Cal in for another hug. "Don't worry, babe. Only a couple months until spring break. And then after that it's only a few more weeks until we're done with high school forever."

This seems to put Calum in a better mood as the two of them hop onto Michael's bike. Mike turns around to hand Calum the helmet, and Calum sighs.

"But Mikey, my hair," he groans, reaching up to run his fingers lightly through his perfectly done hair.

Michael laughs. "Your hair will be fine, babe."

Calum sighs again, but takes the helmet and carefully sets it on his head. A short ride later, they've arrived at the school. Calum hops off the bike, taking his helmet off and setting it on the seat. Michael kills the engine and gets off, grabbing his bookbag and Calum's hand before they head inside.

The two boys are smiling and laughing as they walk into school together, skillfully ignoring all of the stares and whispers that accompany them every time they walk down the halls together. You'd think that after nearly five months together, people would get used to seeing them as a couple, but apparently not.

When they near Calum's locker, Calum stops in his tracks. Michael is confused for a second, but then his eyes wander to what Cal is looking at.

Someone has spray painted the words go die fag on his locker in bright red paint. The school's janitor is standing in front of the locker with a wet sponge trying to clean it off, but the words are still very much visible. A small crowd of people have formed around the sight, and are whispering and giggling amongst themselves.

Calum's eyes prickle with tears and before Michael can stop him, he turns and sprints down the hallway. Michael calls after him, and attempts to follow him, but Calum is too fast and Mikey loses him after a few minutes.

Calum runs into one of the boy's bathrooms and immediately goes into the last stall, shutting and locking the door behind him. He leans his back against the tiled wall and slides down until he's sitting with his knees tucked into his chest. He sobs into his knees, trying to keep his cries quiet as he can hear people entering and leaving the bathroom occasionally. He doesn't want to bring any more attention to himself right now. He just wants to cry.

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