All I wanna do

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Quincy POV

I went to see my dad perform in LA. After I left Jenesis I was backstage with Jade while dad was performing "All Iwanna do."

"Do you really want him... o you want me?" Al sung.

I walked on stage "All I wanna do is make it hot for you" I sung.

"Thanks this my son Quincy" Al said.

"Hey there" I said.

"Before we say goodnight I want  to ave a duet with my youngest" Al said.

"I can tell how if feel about you nite and day" I said.

After the performance I went out to dinner with dad.

"Haven't seen this happy son" Al said.

"Yea I feel like Jenny is okay" I said.

"Do you?"


For the Love of QDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora