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The next week we had finished organising all the furniture and the house seemed more like a home.

"Dinner!" Mum called.

"Alright, I've gotta go." I said to Anya.

"K, bye. Call me tomorrow?" She asked.

"Yep." I nodded and shut the laptop.

We all gathered around the table and sat down to eat Mum's famous lasagne. But I wasn't hungry. My feet fidgeted below me and I stabbed my lasagne with my fork. We all silently ate, not daring to speak. Dad left to get seconds and I shifted around seat awkwardly.

"Teagan. What's up? You haven't eaten dinner for 3 days now."

I shrugged and glanced up at her for a second.

Mum let out an annoyed sigh. "It's that stupid horse, isn't it?!" She whisper-growled.

Dad came back and sat down, shutting Mum up instantly.

"So are you excited for your new school tomorrow, Teagsy?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I guess." I huffed.

The next day I woke up to my alarm blaring out tunes and the sun blinding my eyes.

"uhh!" I cried, making a mental note to buy some curtains sometime soon.

I rolled out of bed and glared at my new school uniform hanging on the back of my desk chair. Is it really today? I asked myself. I changed and made sure I had enough exercise books in my new backpack Dad bought me for school. I stopped and looked at the little running horses along the outside. It made me feel even worse. I only had a few moments with Samson but in those few moments I felt safe and serenity. Why did he have to leave so soon?

I grabbed my bag and hauled it down the hallway into the kitchen where Mum rushed around and handed me my lunch.

"Thanks." I said, my voice dull and lifeless.

Mum gave me a glare as I dropped the brown paper bag into my backpack.

"Oh, lighten up!" She said fiercely, with her hands tightly on her hips.

I ignored her and lifted my bag onto my shoulder.

Mum hasn't ever really liked horses. No-one really knows why but we think its because she might have got bucked off one time or something. Dad's tried to convince her to go on a trail ride but Mum totally just cuts him off every time he brings up anything about it.

I walked over and grabbed my phone off the coffee table by the fire and made my way out the door.

"Bye Mum." I groaned, shutting the door before she had the time to answer.

I bumped right into Dad.

"Oh. Bye Dad!" I said, pulling him in for a hug.

"Bye Sweetie." Dad cooed. "Have a nice day!"

I turned away from him and hopped off the porch, walking down the long, dusty driveway to the bus stop. I walked for about 10 minutes before I remembered that I was supposed to Skype Anya. I swung my bag in front of me and tugged my phone out of the front pocket.

"No signal!" I cried in disbelief and reluctantly shoved my phone back into my bag.

The next 40 minutes were painful. I made it to the bus stop and got on with the 5 other kids in my area. It took us 20 minutes to get to school.

When we finally arrived, I shook myself out of a daze and got off, Thanking the driver as I jumped out. I probably would have been more excited to arrive at my new school but I just wasn't in the mood. I haven't been in the mood for anything since we had to give Samson away. I still can't get over how I only just barely met him yet I miss him like crazy. I guess we just clicked.

Samson the Miracle HorseWhere stories live. Discover now