New Beginnings.

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A girl should be two things. Classy and fabulous•

"Mom, there is no way in seven hells that you'll ever see me wearing that."
"But sweetie, it brings out your eyes!"

Jocelyn Hansberg was very concious of what she wore. She wasn't that snob who only wanted to wear branded, expensive clothes, no. She wanted to wear clothes that looked good on her. They could be from the flea market downtown for all she cared.

But today, she was shopping like she was on a mission. That was because she was starting at a new school tomorrow. Jocelyn, her mother Cassie and their dog Juni had shifted from Orlando to North Carolina a week back because Cassie had been promoted at work and had been transfered here. Unlike other teenagers who would have hated the idea of leaving their hometown, Jocelyn had jumped at the prospect of going to a new place, a new school and making new friends. Her mother was quite surprised at how Jocelyn took the news. She had expected her to cry and be upset, stomp her foot and bang the door. Hell, Cassie even had an explanation ready and rehearsed for Jocelyn. But when she broke the news to her daughter, she was greeted by jumping, a very bear like hug and a lot of screaming of "OHMYGOD, MOM I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU THIS IS SO GREAT OH MY GOODNESS WOW..."

What Cassie didn't know of course was that her Josey had been dealing with a lot lately. Derek, the boy Josey was dating (Cassie knew that Josey loved him but Josey insisted she only liked him and dating him was just a casual affair) had cheated on her with her best friend Liesh. Alicia Renshire or Liesh, as she was called, had been Josey's best friend since forever. Josey could not imagine a time before Liesh or without her. So, when she found out about the two people she trusted the most in the world cheating on her, it hurt her. Like a bitch. And that was saying something because our Josey, she's a very happy person. So when her mother told her that they would be shifting away from Orlando she practically started jumping around the house and kept shouting things like, "I AM AN EGG AND I'M SQUISHY AND BROKEN ON THE INSIDE BUT I'M UNCRACKED AND FLAWLESS AND PRETTY ON THE OUTSIDE AND THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER OH MY FUCK..."
She wasn't running away from her problems if that's what your thinking, no. She just needed a change of environment. A change of people around her, and she would be okay. Gods, she would be so much more than okay.

So here she was a week later, shopping in North Carolina, for school the next day. And hell, her mother was not of the slightest help to her. Right now, she was holding a bright yellow tank top with a see through pale yellow over shirt insisting on buying it. Her reason was that it brought out Josey's beautiful baby blue eyes.

"No way, mom. Nope. Not buying that. No no no."

"But, baby! Your eyes look so beautiful when you wear yellow!"

"That was one time, mom. Aunt Gemma forced me to be flower girl at her wedding. I was twelve and I looked like a nice little banana and now I'm scarred for life. So, no. Not happening. No more yellow for me, please?"

"Oookay, Jocelyn. Quit being a brat. We've already been to half a hundred stores in the last two hours and them old bones 'o mine, they're tired. I'll be in the food court. Use your credit card and come get your poor old mother when you're done."

"Yes, woman of my birth."

And so, Josey did what she did best.

She shopped.

Author's Note.

Hello, lovelies. ^.^
This is my very first book here on Wattpad. I love reading and I hope writing is as enjoyable as reading is. :c
Please don't be a silent reader. Vote and comment if you like this chapter. :D

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