Sexy Guy's Name Is Ashton.

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• Don't you worry, don't you worry child. See heaven's got a plan for you •

Josey parked her car in the first junior parking lot she saw and half ran- half stumbled into the school building. She didn't want to be late on the first day of school itself.

The ride from home to school had been (according to her) her initiation into adulthood. The moment she was behind the wheel, she felt powerful and in control. She cranked up the radio and to her immense pleasure it was a Fifth Harmony song. She had sung along (at a very high volume, might I add), tried clapping with one hand and ended up honking uselessly. But nothing could dampen her spirit today, because you know what? She had her own car(!!!!)

And now, there she was running into the hallway when she felt eyes on her. Everybody's eyes on her. She stopped running, aware of all the attention, getting anxious by the second.

"And who might you be?", said a voice right behind her.

Josey turned and found herself at height with some dude's chest. She looked up and practically choked on her own spit. She had almost never been this awed by a guy's face. Tumblr and social media had destroyed her image of perfect men and so she drooled over guys who were not even aware of her existence, through her laptop or phone screen. But this one right here looked like someone out of an Abercrombie and Fitch catalog. He had dirty blonde hair which was messy in a very sexy way. Dark green eyes and a jawline that could probably cut through wood completed his perfect face. He wore an off- white button down with the first button undone and faded jeans.

"Hell-ooo?", Sexy Dude said waving his hand before her face.

Josey snapped back to reality and gave a shaky laugh.

"Um, hehe, I'm sorry. I mean, I'm Josey. Jocelyn. Jocelyn Hansberg, actually. Hehe. Hi."

Sexy Dude raised an eyebrow and gave her a lop sipded smirk which made her stomach do flip flops.

"Hi, Jocelyn Hansberg. I'm Ashton Sommers. Would you care to join me for a coffee at Starbucks after school today?"

That caught Josey off guard and she went," Whaa me today yeah sure that'd be cool I'm probably gonna be free yeah it's cool."

Ashton gave her an amused look and said, "Let me tell you, Josie, that I did not understand a word of what you just said but I shall take that as a yes."

Author's Note.

Hi, ya'll! :'D
I'm sorry I haven't been writing. I've just been very busy with exams and school stuff. I hope you understand. I wish I could write more but I just haven't had the time. :(
But I will from now on, so please stick to this story. 💞
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2016 ⏰

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