
4.9K 666 123

"caramel macchiatto,"

gayoung said, eyes

scanning the shop,

then flickering back to

mine. "make it fast, kid."

i nodded, and quickly

went to work,

humming under

my breath while

gayoung stands by

the sidelines.

it was the fifth time

she went stopped

by again; always different

orders, always the

same expression on

her face.

taehyung, my co-worker,

had informed me that

she was a regular

and her usual

seat was one

of the cushioned

seat on the corner

of the room.

i had asked which table,

and i was surprised

when he pointed at

the table where we met.

"caramel macchiatto

for gayoung-ssi," i

announced, sliding

the cup across the

counter and stopping

between gayoung's

open palm.

"thanks," she

mumbled lowly.



"you're like me."

i paused, eyebrows

furrowing together

in confusion. "what, 


she just simply

smiled, shaking

her head to herself

 and said,

"i know it's you.

i can't be wrong."

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