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yoongi, gayoung was

acting weird yesterday.

she kept saying the

same line over and

over again, and i

can't help but get annoyed

whenever she smiles

when i asked her about it.

"i know it's you, hanuel.

i can't be wrong. not this time."

i don't get it, yoongi.

what was she trying

to say? did i do something

to her without me knowing?

or do i have a split

personality disorder?


the lady on table 


is finally asking

for you,"

taehyung said as he walked

past me and into

the back kitchen,

sending me a


lady on table


my eyebrows were

pulled together in

curiosity and deep

thought as i left the


it was four

in the noon, anyway,

not many people

come at this kind

of time.

gayoung was the lady

sitting on table

twenty-three (the

table where we

met, yoongi), and

she had a book

under her nose

that oddly looked like

the exact same book

you were reading

when i met you.

as i approached

her, i can't help

but get the feeling

of deja vu.

"gayoung," i said.

she looked up at me,

meeting my gaze

and smiling widely,

revealing her set

of perfect teeth

and . . . gums.

it was my first time

seeing her smile

so widely, and

my stomach did

a weird flip.

"hanuel! hanuel-ah,"

she motioned to

the seat, and i quickly

complied, still


"you're late," she

smiled, and it

made my heart flutter.

"i don't understand,"

i mumbled. "late

for what?"

she rolled her eyes

and looked at me

with a soft expression.

"dummy, you're

three centuries late

for our date."

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