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Riiing the first bell goes off. Everyone starts rushing inside. Jesca walks towards the other students.

School started a month ago but today is her first day here. She just moved across town. Her old house caught on fire, so her parents decided to move. Now they live right next to the ghettos. Jesca never even knew this town had ghettos til now.

"You better hurry" someone yelled. Jesca looked around but she couldn't figure out who. She started walking faster towards the building.

She looked down at the schedule in her hand to find the locker number. 962 it said. She looked at the locker to her right. 485. Great she thought. She was no where near her locker and couldn't figure out which way to go.

"Need help," a guy with dark brown hair asked her. She turned to her left to look at him.

"Uh-Yeah," she replied. "I'm looking for my locker."

"What number," he said, leaning in to see her paper.

"Nine-six-two," she said.

"That should be this way." He said, pointing down a hallway to their left.
"C'mon," he said as he motioned for her to follow and started walking.

Jesca followed him down the hall. They took several turns and Jesca counted four flight of stairs. What the hell she thought. She didn't even know that there were multiple stories.

"Rriight.... here" he said as they finally reached her locker. He pointed at it and grinned.

"Need help finding your first class too?" He asked.

"Um. Could you just point me in the right direction," She asked.

"Sure. What do you have," he asked.

"Uh-art,"she replied.

"That's in the basement. One floor down. Just go down this hallway a little further to the next flight of stairs. Take a left and look for the lady with the blue hair," he said.

Jesca looked at him skeptically. "The lady with the blue hair," she repeated. "Is that some long kind of joke?"

He laughed a little. "No. Mrs. Edwin, the art teacher, has blue hair," he said half laughing.

"The teachers dye their hair?"

"Yeah. Well, it's really just Mrs. Edwin."

"....ok." jesca turned to her locker to open it and put some of her stuff in.

"Oh. There's something you should know," he said.

"And that is?"

He leaned closer so no one would hear. "If you keep acting so innocent your gonna get eaten alive."

She looked at him as he started walking away.

"Good luck newbie," he said, flicking his wrist as an almost wave.

Jesca let out a huff and turned back to her locker. She pulled out a few binders and set them in.

What the hell does that mean? She thought. She finished putting her stuff away and headed to her class.

As she walked around the corner she saw Mrs. Edwin. Sure enough, Mrs. Edwin had wavy blue hair. It was pulled back into a ponytail with strands sticking out. She wore a pair of glasses with a black brim. She looked pretty young, like she was still in college.

There were fewer people down here than anywhere else.

"Welcome," Mrs. Edwin said as Jesca walked into the room."You must be Jesca."

"Yes," Jesca replied.

"Take a seat wherever you want," Mrs. Edwin said with a smile.

Jesca walked in and took a seat towards the front.


This is my first story. Tell me what you think though. I appreciate constructive criticism.

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