Her Brother

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Jase didn't tell Jesca much about how he knew her brother. Just that they met about a year ago and kinda kept in touch. Jase knew who Jesca was as soon as he saw her. He didn't want to freak her out so he didn't say anything.

After a few minutes Jase got a call and left. Jesca started walking back home. She didn't remember the way she came with Jase so she went a different way. She didn't want to go that way but she didn't have a choice.

She got to an old warehouse that she used to hang out at. The thing had been abandoned for years.

"Hey street rat!" A voice called. Jesca knew that voice immediately.  She looked around and saw a girl standing by the door of the warehouse.

"I don't want any trouble. I'm just trying to get home," Jesca said.

"Oh come on. Knowing you, you probably stole something. Or graffitied something. So what'd you do?" The girl started walking towards Jesca.

"I didn't steal or vandalize anything," Jesca said.

"C'mon. Jessie the queen of the delinquents. You expect me to believe that you didn't break any laws?" The girl poked Jesca's chest when she said you.

"Seriously. I'm just going home."

"Wow you really have changed. I expected more from you Jes. I didn't want  to believe the rumors were true. That you totally abandoned us," as she was talking a girl about five years old pushed the door of the warehouse open and looked outside.

"You let Cindy in the warehouse!?" Jesca half yelled. "The kids aren't supposed to be in there."

"They wanted to see you. We were all hoping you'd come back."

"I can't come back. I'm sorry. Send the kids home," Jesca turned and started walking away.

"FINE! WE DIDN'T WANT YOU BACK ANYWAY!" The girl yelled with tears in her eyes.

"Jessie?" The little girl started walking towards her. Jesca turned to look at the little girl.

"Jessie we missed you-"

"Go back inside Cindy," Jesca said and started running before they tried to follow.

"JES!!" The voice of a guy yellled.

Jesca stopped and turned. Her brother was running towards her.

"Mike..." Jesca stood frozen.

"Jesca," Mike hugged her. "What's going on with you?" He stopped and looked at her.

"I-... why are you here? I thought you weren't supposed to be back for a few months.."

"They let me go early," he said smiling. "You think mom and dad will be ok if I go to the house?"

"I don't know. As far as I know they're still really mad."

"Well come on. Let's go home," Mike said. He nugged Jes with his elbow and started walking the direction she was headed.

Jesca started walking next to him. "You really think that's a good idea?"

"Not really but it's worth a try I suppose."

Jesca looked at the ground and then back up at her brother. "Why did you tell Jase about me?"

"He's a good guy. One of my best friends. Why wouldn't I tell him about you?" Jesca nodded and kept walking.

"So um..which way is it?" Mike asked.

"This way," Jesca said and turned right. Mike followed.

"You sure mom and dad won't freak out when they see you..," Jesca trails off.

"I have no idea," he said grimly.

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