Jase's House

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When they pulled up to the house Jase immediately opened the back door of the car to get Jesca. He saw her eye open but her hand still covered the other eye. He picked her up and carried her to the house. Mike closed the door behind them. They walked up to the house. It was a bit smaller than Jesca's house. It was a light tan with slightly darker borders and a pitched roof.

"The key is still under the mat right?" Mike asked as he stepped in front of Jase.

"Yeah," Jase said. He barely knew Jesca but he was still pissed about her being hurt.

Mike lifted the mat and pulled the key out. He unlocked the door and stepped inside to let Jase in. Jase walked in and headed to the living room. He placed Jesca on the couch.

"Jase?" His mom called. "I ne-" she stopped talking when she saw Jesca and Mike.

"Mike," she said and gave Mike a hug. "It's been a while."

"And who's this?" She looked at Jesca and back to Jase.

"Jesca," Mike said. "She's his little sister," Jase finished.

"Is she ok?" His mom asked.

"She needs an ice pack," Jase replied.

Jase's mom turned around and walked to the kitchen. She grabbed an ice pack from the freezer. She's learned to keep at least three in there at all times.

"Jesca?" Mike said softly. Jesca let out a soft sob.

"Here," Jase's mom said as she walked back into the room.

Jase took the ice pack. He knelt next to Jesca on the floor.

"Jesca," he said as he slowly grabbed her wrist. "You need to keep ice on it. Here." He lifted her hand and placed the ice pack on her eye.

"Mike do you need one too? You look pretty beat up," Jase's mom said.

"Yeah," he said an followed her to the kitchen.

She pulled out another ice pack and handed it to Mike.

"So what happened?" She asked after a few seconds.

Mike looked down. "It's my fault. I tried to go home and she got hurt because of it." His voice started to sound more raspy.

"It's not your fault," she said. "Was it your dad?"

"Yeah. He hit me a few times and then hit her when she tried to get him to stop." A tear fell down Mike's face.

Jase's mom hugged Mike again. "It'll be ok Mike. She'll be ok. And maybe your father will realize what he did and try to make things better. And let you go back home."

Mike nodded his head. "Maybe," he said as he turned to go back to the living room.

Jase sat silently by Jesca. His hand on her arm just staring at her. She had her eyes closed and tears were slowly drying on her face.

"You guys are staying here for tonight. Don't think about trying to run away." Jase's mom said. " Mike you can sleep in the guest bedroom again. If Jesca gets up she can take Jase's bed and Jase can sleep on the floor."

"I think she's already asleep," Jase said. He didn't look away from Jesca.

"I don't want to go to bed yet," Mike said.

"Neither do I," Jase said.

"I'll go make some soup and tea," Jase's mom said. She turned back to the kitchen.

"She still thinks soup and tea will fix everything," Mike said.

"Of course she does. I mean it's always helped," Jase said. Finally looking away from Jesca to look at Mike.

"True," Mike said walking to the end of the couch. He sat on the arm rest because Jesca took up almost all of the couch.

"You ok?" Jase asked.

"No. You ok?" Mike replied.

Jase sat silently for a moment. "No."

They spent several minutes in silence watching Jesca. None of them moving at all.

"Hey," Jase's mom said as she walked in. "Soup is done."

They didn't even notice her until she spoke. Mike and Jase looked at each other and then at Jase's mom. Jase made was the first to move. He got up and headed to the kitchen. Mike followed and then Jase's mom.

After they got the soup and tea they sat in the kitchen and talked.

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