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Mrs. Edwin had all of the students draw pictures that "captured their soul". Jesca had no idea what that meant, but she played along anyway. She drew a picture of an eye. The reflection in the eye was of a flower and a shadowy figure almost out of sight behind the flower.

The bell rang and everyone started packing up. "Um- Jesca," Mrs. Edwin said as Jesca was putting away her pencil bag. "May I see your drawing?"

"Yeah sure," Jesca said, handing her sketchbook over.

"Very nice Jesca. You have a lot of talent," Mrs. Edwin said as she examined the uncompleted picture. "So, I don't mean to be nosey or anything... but what does that shadowy figure represent?" Her voice was elegant and she sounded like she already knew the answer.

"Uhh...." Jesca didn't really want to tell a teacher. She might get in trouble.

"You don't have to tell me. I was just curious. But I have a feeling that that shadow won't be in the background forever." Mrs. Edwin gave Jesca a confident, knowing look.

"I- uh-..... What is that supposed to mean," Jesca asked, confused.

"You'll find out soon. Now get going to your next class. You don't want to be late." Mrs. Edwin handed the sketchbook back to Jesca.

Jesca shoved the sketchbook back in her bag and left. Just as she walked outside the room she heard a familiar voice.

"Hey newbie."

Jesca jumped a little and looked at the person standing next to her. It was the guy from before.

"So what did Mrs. Edwin tell you," he asked.

"She just said that she liked my drawing," Jesca lied.

"Oh really," he said.

"Yes really," Jesca replied.

"You're a terrible lyer, but if you really don't want to tell me that's fine," he said with the same grin as before. It creeped Jesca out, but it was oddly charming. Which made it worse.

"Why are you following me," Jesca said as she started walking faster.

"Because you need a body guard," he said as he sped up to match her pace.

"No I don't. I can take care of myself," Jesca said.

"Fine. Good luck finding your next class." He turned around and started walking away.

Jesca paused and thought for a moment. "Wait!" He turned back to look at her.

"Maybe I do need help " She said.

"I knew you'd change your mind," he said as he walked to her.

"Whatever," she said.

"So what do you have next," he asked.

Jesca pulled her schedule out of her pocket. "Uhh...Honors science," she said.

"Heh. Dork"said some guy walking by.

Jesca looked at him with a shocked look. At her old school, the honors students were envied. Not "dorks".

The dark haired guy glared at the guy walking by. Then he looked back at Jesca.

"Look," Jesca looked back at him,"most people here don't like the honors kids. So don't be surprised when you get comments like that."

Jesca looked down at her shoes.

"Hey I never introduced myself did I," he said.

Jesca looked up and shook her head.

"My name is Jason. You can call me Jase though."


"Jesca. I know," he said, cutting her off. "I heard Mrs. Edwin say your name."

"Does that mean you were stalking me," she asked.

"No. Okay maybe a little," he admitted.

Jesca rolled her eyes. "Anyway, can you show me where my next class is," Jesca said eagerly.

"Alright, c'mon," Jase said and started walking.

Jesca followed him, keeping her head down. This wasn't at all what she expected.

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