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We are the new americana

Jesca' s alarm went off waking her up. She reached for her phone. Anthony, one of her old friends, texted her.

"How was school? We all miss you. We should hang out this weekend."

Jesca sighed. She missed her old friends too but she had too much unpacking to do this weekend.

"I still have a lot to unpack. Maybe next weekend."

Jesca crawled out of bed and started getting dressed. She knew she was gonna have to dodge Jase and his friends. After seeing the "innocent" girl jump a fence like she had done it a thousand times, of course they would want to know the truth.

"JESS. YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE. HURRY UP!"Jesca's mom yelled.

Jesca finished her hair quickly and grabbed her backpack. It still had a little bit of dirt on it. She brushed it off.

She ran to the kitchen. "There you are," her mom said. Jesca grabbed the toast waiting for her on the table.

"Morning mom. See ya later," she said.

"Morni-" Jesca's mom didn't finish before she slammed the door and ran down the street.

When Jesca got to school she saw Alyssa and Seth standing by the doors. It seemed like they were discussing something serious. Jesca hoped it wasn't her.

Jesca walked to the door quietly. She went to the opposite side as Alyssa and Seth hoping they wouldn't see her.

Then she heard Jase.

"Jesca!" He yelled.

She froze. She could hear his footsteps as he ran towards her. She turned around to look at him.

"Hey Jase," she said smiling like they were actually friends.

"Jesca, what happened yesterday?" He asked. He almost seemed concerned.

"What do you mean?" Jesca said as if nothing had happened.

"You jumped over an eight foot fence in like three seconds," he said

Jesca stopped smiling and glanced down. "It's none of your business," she said, looking him in the eye.

"No. It is my busines," Jase said, frustrated. "I want to know why you've had to run from the cops before, because clearly, little miss innocent isn't so innocent after all."

"I've never had to run from the cops before," Jesca said.

"Then tell me how a none athletic girl like you can run that fast."

"Maybe I am athletic. It's not like you would know."

"Athletes don't pretend that they are helpless."

"I'm not pretending to be helpless."

"Really? 'Cause we both know that you could have found your classes on your own. Otherwise you wouldn't have made it home last night. And I can tell when people are fumbling with their locker ON PURPOSE," Jase said angrily.

Alyssa and Seth over heard and started walking over.

"Look. You don't know ANYTHING about me. And maybe it's better that way," Jesca snapped. She turned around and started walking away quickly.

"WAIT! JESCA!" Alyssa tried to get her attention.

Jesca started walking a little faster. She didn't care anymore. There was no way to erase what they saw. And there was no way to get them to drop it. But she couldn't tell them anything.

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