Friends of Friends

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Jesca didn't see Jase, Alyssa, or Seth most of the day. Classes at that school are "blocked", meaning that every other day you have certain classes and different classes the next day. Which meant that Jesca had no idea where her classes were. She thought she saw Jase walking up some stairs and thought about asking him for help but decided against it. He seemed pretty determined to figure out her secret before.

She finally found her first class that day, English. She hated having her English class first thing in the morning but she didn't want to argue with the principal or anything.

She looked around the class and decided to sit in the back. She didn't want to draw attention to herself and there was a girl dressed like Alyssa sitting in the third row.

"You don't want to sit there," a guy in the chair next to her said as soon as she sat down. He had his hood up and his black hair covered part of his face. He had snake bites and a t-shirt on that Jesca assumed was supposed to say a band name but she couldn't read it.

"Why wouldn't I want to sit here," Jesca asked.

"Because if Rian shows up today you're gonna wish you weren't sitting in his spot," they guy said with a smirk. What's with these people and their creepy smiles, Jesca thought.

Jesca rolled her eyes.

"No. Seriously. You should move."

"Well the only other seat is in the front and I don't care much for sitting in the front today." Jesca was mad at herself as soon as she said it. She shouldn't be giving people any sign that she wasn't totally innocent. Even though she didn't like it, it was the best option.

"Wow. I guess they were wrong about you," he said.

Wrong? Who was wrong? Shit. Did he talk to Jase, Seth, and Alyssa? Jesca thought getting worried, but she tried not to show it.

"What do you mean 'They were wrong'," she asked carefully.

"Jase, Alyssa and Audrey." He said calmly. "They thought you were a stuck-up goody-two-shoes. They got the stuck-up part right."

Jesca ignored the insult."Who's Audrey," Jesca asked, but she thought she might already know.

"See the girl in the third row on the right?"

"Yeah," just as she thought.

"That's Alyssa's best friend Audrey. She has a huge crush on Jason."

"Right," Jesca said. That made sense why Alyssa seemed particularly interested in humiliating her yesterday. "So are you friends with them?"

"Sorta. I'm not very close with them but I've known Jase for a long time."

"So you haven't talked to them since..?" Jesca was hoping they hadn't told him what happened.

"Just before school ended. They said they had some plan," he seemed confused by her question.

"Okay," Jesca nodded happily and looked down at her desk.

The bell rang and their teacher walked in. Jesca was expecting a female teacher but the teacher was male. He seemed really old.

"Open to page two-seventy-five in your textbooks and start reading," he said as he sat down in his desk.

Oh. He's one of those teachers. Jesca thought.

"Um. Sir-," Jesca tried to get his attention but was cut off.

"Not now. Go back to reading," he said without even looking up.

Jesca huffed and pulled out her sketch book. She didn't have a text book for that class yet.

"Haha. What are you drawing," the guy next to her asked.

"Something," Jesca responded.

"Wow. Someone's not happy," he said.

"Just leave me alone,"Jesca said.

"Oh come on. Why would I do that?"

Jesca just ignored him and kept drawing.

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