Waking Up

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Makoto's P.O.V

It was the middle of the summer. Haru and I had just moved in the same house since we were going to the same collage. It was nice having him around. Except for the fact that I had a massive crush on him. I know Haru inside out, but I'm more of a mother to him. He kinda depends on me to keep him in check which I'm fine with.

My eyes cracked open and I felt a warm object next to me. When I looked over I yelped. There was Haru curled up in my chest. My face went bright red.

"H-Haru! What are you doing?!" I asked. His eyes slowly parted and he looked up at me rubbing his eyes.

"The air conditioning broke the other day and it's freezing in my room." He muttered. I sighed and smiled a bit.

"Well, you could've asked for me to fix it. Or...or at least asked before you came into my room." Haru blinked and sat up putting his forearm in the bed.

"You're always hugging me and invading my space..." I blushed. Haru had a point I did do that often.

"F-fine then I guess we're even." I mumbled. Haru rested his face back into my chest. Is it hot in here, or is that just me?

Haru's P.O.V

I don't know why Makoto is acting so strange this morning. He usually wouldn't freak out about me surprising him with something like this. But he was surprised. Weird, maybe I'm freaking him out. I slowly got up and rubbed my head. Then I sneezed. I slowly rubbed my nose and narrowed my eyes. What's this? I'm not sick am I? I felt Makoto get up.

"Haru did you get sick from how cold your room was? When did you get in here?" He asked. I thought for a moment.

"This morning." I felt him pull a blanket around my back.

"You should've came in here sooner dork!" He laughed and rubbed the blanket against my shoulders. I yawned and rubbed my eyes again. Makoto pinched my nose.

"Hey...!" I slapped his hand away and covered my nose.

"You are cold...your nose is like an iceberg. Here lay down." He moved me over to where he was laying and pulled the blankets up to my chin. It was warm where he was. The heat filled up body and my eyes got droopy again. "I'm going to the store do you want anything?" he asked.

"Mackerel." I muttered already half asleep. I heard him chuckled lowly as he walked out of the room and shut the door. As I slept my mind was still turned on. I had a flash back to when we first decided to move in together.

"Haru, we're going to the same collage right?"


"Well, I've been thinking. I-If we could save up enough money...maybe we could-"

"Move in together?"


"Well I guess it's fine. But do you really want to? With me? Or is this just because we're going to the same collage."

"Ha ha hah! No Haru I want to. Someone needs to look after you anyways! So what do you say?"


I sighed. Makoto was really happy. I don't know why but I never regretted moving in with him. He always looked after me no matter what the situation. Even last summer we both talked some sense into each other. I guess I really did need a good friend like him looking after me.

Makoto's P.O.V

Apron....Apron. I need an apron. I looked around the shop. Haru's old apron was worn out and needed to be replaced. I'm not even sure if he'll wear it but he might. Just incase maybe I cooked sometime. I picked out a dark green apron and started to walk back after I paid.

Once I reached the apartment I opened the door. "Haru I'm home!" I set the bags down and went into my room. He wasn't there....I check his room. Not there either. Where is he... I looked around the house until I opened the bathroom door. Haru was sitting in the tub- WHITH HIS EYES SHUT!

"HARU!" I dove at him and pulled him out a little before I realized he wasn't wearing a bathing suit my face turned bright red and I slowly put him back in the tub.

"What is it...?" Haru's soft voice echoed throughout the room.

"D-don't close your eyes like t-that when your in the t-tub! You could fall asleep a-and drown!" Once he realized that he sat up even more.

"Oh...ok...why are you in here?" He asked.

"I was checking on you." I said stating the obvious.

"Oh..." Haru looked down and realized that he was nude. "Ngh!~ Makoto! Out!" I stood up and walked out still flustered, scratching the back of my head. Once I shut the door I sighed heavily. I don't know how much longer I can hold myself back from him. I don't wanna hurt him, I don't wanna touch him...but my body wants to. I shook my head and walked into the kitchen and sat down.

Haru's P.O.V

I hugged myself. Did Makoto just see me naked? I swear I felt him pull me out of the water then slowly put me back in. I hope he didn't. That's embarrassing. Makoto must've thought I was wearing my swim suit. I usually do but I don't know why I didn't today. I sighed and lower my head into the water.

It felt nice....the way the water felt. Bubbles escaped from my lips and somehow Makoto's smiling, laughing face popped into my head. My eyes shot open and I jolted my head out of the water and wiped my eyes. What was that all about?

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