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Makoto's P.O.V

I ran my fingers through my hair over and over again. I was nervous, nervous for Haru. What if I did something bad? What if he moves out because of it?

I shook my head and placed both of my hands on my head. "What's wrong?" I looked up to see Haru standing a few feet away from me. I smiled weakly and rested my hands on the table.

"I-I'm's your cold." Haru rolled his eyes and sat next to me, I began to squirm around a bit.

"It's not a cold I only snee- Achoo!" Haru sneezed again and narrows his eyes. I smiled brightly and patted his head. "Uwah-...hey. Stop that."

"Haruka-chan lets go get ice cream!"  I needed to get my mind off of this stuff.

"Fine...and I told you not to use that Nick name. It makes me sound like a girl. And drop the 'san' stuff." I blushed and rubbed the back of my head.

Haru's P.O.V

I stood up and grabbed my bag. I picked up Makoto's bag and handed it to him. "T-thanks." He took it from me gingerly. I stared at him for a second before I looked away. He's strange.

Once we reached the shop I sat down. Makoto already knew what I wanted. He knows me like a veteran sailor knows the sea. "Here..." Makoto sat down across from me and handed me the blue Popsicle.

"Thanks." I took it from him
And our hands slightly touched. I blinked then looked away blushing a bit.

"Haruka eat it before it melts." Makoto commanded. I slowly looked back at him and bit into the popsicle, for some reason Makoto winced. "...!" I gasped and immediately spit the piece out. "Haruka!" Makoto jumped out of his chair"

"I'm fine, I'm fine, it just touched my bottom teeth..." I pressed my index finger's join against my bottom teeth to stop the ting of pain. Makoto sighed and sat back down. "Lets start walking back...." I suggested.

"O-ok..." As we walked back Makoto kept on glancing at me. I took it as no more than looking out on me though. "Hey Haruka what flavor is that?" He asked pointing at mine.

"Shouldn't you know? You ordered it." I raised a brow as he smiled and laughed.

"Yeah I know but I just said 'the blue one'" I thought for a moment.

"Blue raspberry." I answered "isn't that cherry?" Makoto nodded.

"Can I try some?" He asked. I looked at him then too my popsicle. Eh.

"Sure." I stopped to hand him my Popsicle, he leaned in looking like he was going to the Popsicle when he quickly turned and hit my lips. The shock over whelmed me and I stumbled back hitting the fence. What was he doing? He pulled away and licked his lips.

"It's alright." He wiped his mouth and smiled at me cheekily.

"W-what was that for?" I asked still in shock. My face must've been steaming red by now.

"Aw! Haru! Your face is like my popsicle!" He squeezed both my cheeks. "Anyways. If I bit into it yours you wouldn't of ate it." I fluttered my eyes. Yeah I guess he was right.

Makoto's P.O.V

Oh my god I just kissed Haru!!! A-and he didn't even resist he just went with it. I can't believe he fell for the popsicle trick. I was beaming as we walked back. Haru didn't even mention it anymore. Although his lips were cold they were really soft. I put my fingers on my mouth and looked around a bit. I can still taste it.



"Watch out for the pole." Suddenly I smashed face first into a light post. Twang! I fell back and rubbed my aching check.

"Haruuuu~ you could've told me sooner!" I whined standing up dizzily.

"It was more funny." I dropped my shoulders and sighed.

Once we reached the house I went into my room and shut the door. I was on the edge of my sanity with Haru. I hugged myself and sat down on my bed thinking. Was there anything I could do? Yes...there was, I felt a huge cloud of shame roll over my head. I was not going to do that. Not while Haru's here anyway. And what if I get it all over the sheets!? A-and Haru comes and sleeps in my room again. Will he notice?

I ruffled my hair in anger and growled. It was almost dusk already. I fell face first into my green pillow and muttered to myself.

I ended up falling asleep face down, but when I woke up I was face up. Did I move? I wondered. I slowly got up and walked down stairs. Haru looked at me, we was sitting on the counter.

"You were sleeping face down, you'll suffocate like that." Haru glanced at me and looked down back at the table. So he was the one that turned me face up?

"U-uh yeah... Sorry" I rubbed the back of my head embarrassed that Haru came in my room while I was sleeping. I mean to him it might of not seemed like a big thing at the time, but it showed me that Haru did kind of care about me. I blushed profusely and sat down next to him.

"Can I sleep in your room tonight, Makoto?" Haruru asked as he looked up at me with his eyes gleaming. I stuttered, I didn't know what to say I mean I did but what if I did something to him while he was sleeping. He can't forgive me for something like that can he?

"Y-yeah...sure." Haru looked away from me, was he blushing?! "Oh, the air conditioner do you want me to fix it?" I asked.

"Not yet." He muttered. When I looked more closely at him I realize that he was blushing in fact his face was completely red. I smiled under my breath and chuckled lightly. Haru was such a dork sometimes.

❤️❤️❤️👊🏻 Hey! You made it through chapter 2! Great job! If you want to give this book a star do it please! Or not, just your views is enough for me :D.

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